There is another trick I learned years ago. Make the very first name in your 
address book something fake with a fake email that will immediately bounce back 
when sent. I watch my sent files several times a day most days so will know 
within a short period of time if someone is using my address book. Of course by 
then I've already been hacked, but at least I can put a stop to it right away 
Thank you,
George Vollema
Great Lakes Antique Phonograph
5092 Muskego Dr.
Newaygo MI 49337-8556

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Steven Medved 
  Sent: Monday, February 27, 2012 10:04 PM
  Subject: [Phono-L] Newton's Law to prevent hacking

  Hello to all, The key thing I have noted lately is when a person's e-mail is 
hacked there is (no subject) in the subject.   There are two main types of 
hacking, the first someone discovers your e-mail password and send from you 
e-mail, this is easy to fix with a new password. I have used roboform for years 
and I have over 100 passwords, it really helps.   The second type they just 
make it look like it came from your e-mail, but there is nothing in your sent 
box. This is embarassing, no one will intentionally send something like that on 
the list.  If your password is weak add characters and read what the famous Mr. 
Newton has to say:
   Please read... this is important:

  There have been an increasing number of times over the past 6 months where
  spammers have signed up to email lists or managed to hack into mail list 
  accounts and thus making you a victim of this rapidly increasing spamming 

  Here's how and what happens and how to prevent you falling for this:

  A spammer hacks into your email account and uses it to send spam to your 
  address book making it look like YOU have sent the spam.

  It is usually selling phony Viagra, other drugs, promoting porn sites or a
  "make money fast" scam, ALL of which are skillfully designed to part you with
  your hard earned money.

  If you have a fairly sizable address list the spammer will break up the list
  and send a number of different messages to cover your entire address book
  without raising undue suspicion.

  You won't probably know anything about this until it is too late or until
  someone advises you about the phony messages sent under your name, apparently
  by you.


  Once you become aware of this, you need to immediately sign in to your 
  if you still can, and change to a secure password ASAP!  The spammers usually
  don't change your password because they don't want to raise your suspicions
  that anything is out of the ordinary.  They will keep coming back and send 
  spam under your name until YOU stop them!

  See below for what is secure for a new password.

  I suggest you immediately advise everyone in your email address book.

  Look in your SENT mail... you will likely see everyone who got the messages.
  You will probably receive bounced returns as well.  If those returns were all
  out of your address book, you can bet the spammer sent to every one of them, a
  few at a time so as not to raise your ISP's suspicions with a pile of outgoing
  identical emails!

  You ask... how did they find your password?  My bet is they did a dictionary
  attack.  Was your password a small 6-8 character common word?  You are one of
  many who has had this problem in the past few months.

  I'd give your friends a "heads up"... remember the spammer now has ALL their
  addresses and you can bet they'll be doing dictionary attacks on them as well.
  If you don't change your password, they'll be back with more spam.
  Change it to something secure from a dictionary attack... use something like:-

  apple*sauce  other symbols are also good~^+=| 

  Two words separated by a symbol is secure (but don't use my example!).

  Oh yes... If you haven't had this happen to you, AND you still use a weak
  password on your email account, then it is only a matter of time before a
  spammer rolls you over!  They love email accounts because they usually lead to
  a pile of email address that they can use to send their drivel to.

  Go to your email account NOW WHILE YOU THINK ABOUT THIS


  I've written about this before recently, and people who ignored my warning 
  since been taken by the spammers... you can bet there will be more!

  ... Graham Newton

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