The ARSC conference is not a Trade Show or something like Union or even  
MAPS Phonovention. It is a professionally run conference with many well known  
speakers about anything dealing with sound recording preservation.
About 25-30% of attendees are professional archivists or record  
librariarns. The rest are collectors of everything from "edison to Elvis and  
There will be sessions on personalities and early Edison recordings and  - 
in the past - we (meaning ARSC of which I am Treasurer) have made world news 
 by hearing the EARLIEST sound recordings.
The attendees are fun folks and we spend the evenings as well as days  
talking about - what else - records. 
So, no you can't bring thingsto sell BUT you can learn a lot about all  
those records you have and how to preserve them and meet folks you have 
probably  only read about in magazine articles.
Go to the conference website 
(   and look at the preliminary program. 
And anyone 
in the area of Rochester should  definitely plan to attend/
Steve Ramm
In a message dated 3/3/2012 6:28:29 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

I am not  a member of ARSC, but would join if:
Would this be a good place to sell my  4 Edisons, 1 Victor, and about a 
large horns? (I'd ask about the  records, but all of this won't fit into my 
car...well maybe a few  records).

Also, if I would be allowed to try to sell my stuff, what is  the 
If stuff is stored in the car it could be  stolen!?


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