For those of you who couldn't get the weblink to work, I fixed it below, though 
you'll have to follow the instructions in the original message to find the 
video (It's very well hidden)..

Here's the much simpler direct link:!__leroy-plyler

The first half of the 30 minute video is still pictures. The 2nd half is real 
video. I especially like the video of the Encore Banjo and Violano Virtuoso 
machines playing.

Jim Nichol

On Apr 17, 2012, at 12:10 AM, Vinyl Visions wrote:

> Last month we had the privilege of holding our quarterly meeting at the home 
> of one of our members, Leroy Plyler. Needless to say, we had a wonderful 
> time, especially when we discovered that his collection of high end 
> mechanical music machines would rival most high end collections in the US. 
> For example, how many people have a Multiphone, two Hexaphones, numerous 
> Regina machines including a 27" changer along with Reginaphones, a Paillard 
> music box, many coin-op phonographs and music boxes, an orchestrion, player 
> grand piano, a coin-op banjo machine, a Mills Violano Virtuoso and on and 
> on...
> I have posted a video which attempts to show his extensive collection as well 
> as I possibly could. You can view it on our website: 
> www.carolinaphonosociety.comOn the second page, click the link for new 
> items/videos, then on the third page click the link for the "Leroy Plyler 
> Collection". Hope you enjoy it... any feedback would be appreciated.
> Curt                                    
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