hi bruce
so there are three gibson phonographs now
i know the oliphants and howard hazelcorn each have one
is your complete

-----Original Message-----
From: bruce78rpm <bruce78...@comcast.net>
To: Antique Phonograph List <phono-l@oldcrank.org>
Sent: Thu, Sep 27, 2012 8:02 am
Subject: Re: [Phono-L] Sonora Tonalie part needed

Wow, that is a tough one, an obscure late 20's Sonora phonograph, with an even 
ore obscure extension for the crank . George Volema at Great Lakes may be your 
est bet. There is also a fellow in Wisconsin, who is an avid Phonograph 
ollector, who has over the years managed to obtain, many odd and obscure parts 
s well. When I was looking for an odd rare part (the swivel pin) for a Gibson 
raveling Tone arm, he was the only one I could find in the entire U.S. 
honograph world that seemed to have one. When I come up with his name I will 
orward it to you. 
----- Original Message -----
rom: "Bob Maffit" <maff...@bresnan.net> 
o: "Antique Phonograph List" <phono-l@oldcrank.org> 
ent: Wednesday, September 26, 2012 9:25:41 PM 
ubject: [Phono-L] Sonora Tonalie part needed 
Phono List: 

I am looking for another "needle in a haystack" however, this group has 
lways helped. 

I had a motor repaired with new springs and apparently I misplaced or lost a 

First of all, it is a Sonora floor model. On the underside of the lid it 

Tonalie sonora 
Clear as a bell 

I think it is a late 20s model as it has a similar cabinet design as my 
ictor VV-8-35, thus my guess at the year. 

Any info on the machine in general? 

I am missing an "extension" for the crank which attaches to the motor 
inding shaft and, if I recall correctly, is about 4' to 6' in length. The 
rank threads on the extension allowing the crank to function the distance 
rom the right cabinet wall to reach the motor. The extension part looked 
ike it was made from a wire or rod wound around to make the extension. 


Has anyone have an idea of what the *** I am trying to explain / describe? 
oreover, anyone have one to part with? 
Or a workable substitute. 


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