I just read the news below as posted by Ryna Barna on ARSC list and thought 
 that I'd share his post with those here - as many of you either knew 
Quentin or  knew of him.
Thank you for sharing this sad new Ryan. I corresponded with Quentin a bit  
back in the 1970s and I did have the pleasure of visiting him at his house 
in  California nearly 40 years ago.

Another legacy that Quentin left us as pioneer recording artist collectors  
was the 12-15 minutes of silent footage that the then-young Quentin 
captured at  one (or maybe 2) of the John Bieling Day events in the 1940s, 
by stars  like Billy Murray and Henry Burr so we could see them. Those 
films - are not on  You Tube but seem to have circulated for years.

Steve Ramm

 From: phonostal...@gmail.com
Reply-to: arscl...@listserv.loc.gov
To:  arscl...@listserv.loc.gov
Sent: 1/31/2013 4:32:49 P.M. Eastern Standard  Time
Subj: [ARSCLIST] Quentin Riggs, RIP

I am extremely sad and sorry to report the passing of former  ARSC
member and stellar researcher Quentin Riggs, on October 26,  2012.

For those of you who don't know Quentin, he contributed  information to
several books and articles on early recording artists. He  was
frequently mentioned (and pictured) in Jim Walsh's "Favorite  Pioneer
Recording Artists" in Hobbies magazine, often supplementing  Walsh's
research for well over three decades, up to 1985. He also wrote  for
other publications, including the New Amberola Graphic,  Hillandale
News, and Talking Machine Review. He is credited as a co-author  of
"Billy Murray: The Phonograph Industry's First Great Recording  Artist"
with Frank Hoffmann and Dick Carty (Lanham, MD: Scarecrow,  1997).

Quentin also had a privilege that new researchers can only dream  of --
with interest in early sound recordings that began in the 1940s,  he
was able to correspond and meet with several early recording  artists
before their passing, including (and by no means limited to)  Elliott
Shaw, Olive Kline, John Bieling, Irving Kaufman, Walter Van Brunt,  and
Billy Murray.

All the way to the end, Quentin remained active,  enthusiastic, and
mentally sharp. He frequently sent emails, searched  digital databases,
downloaded mp3s, and streamed music and videos. He was  still checking
matrix numbers for me in his collection as late as  August.

Few of his fellow hobbyists knew about his passing. I only  found out
about this from curiously searching the web, to see why I hadn't  heard
from him in so long. That's when I found his obituary.

I  talked to his sister-in-law this afternoon, who gave me permission
to  announce his passing to the collecting community. His wife Evelyn
is not on  the Internet, so she was unable to notify his email
contacts. His brother  and sister-in-law are currently handling the
estate. I told her I was very  surprised and sad learn about this,
since he was still active only a couple  of months before his death,
but as she told me, "congestive heart failure  got the best of him.

I'm sure that by now, Quentin knows all the  biographical and
discographical answers that people like us are still  searching for.

You may read about his life and leave sympathy comments  on his Dignity
Memorial page  at

Ryan  Barna

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