Oh well, nothing I try works. Must be my tea party filter :-)

> On Dec 26, 2013, at 9:14 AM, Peter Fraser <pjfra...@mac.com> wrote:
> You're not missing anything if the link doesn't work. It's a teaparty-esque 
> propaganda piece politicizing the energy conservation aspect of phasing out 
> incandescent bulbs.
> But there's an underlying message:  Watch out, the government is out to get 
> you.  So dig that bunker if you haven't already, and fill it up with guns, 
> gas guzzling vehicles...and light bulbs, because it's important to keep OPEC 
> happy, and to get rid of inconveniences like those polar ice caps and clean 
> air.  But don't hurt yourself during construction, or socialist doctors might 
> force you to get well. 
> It's kind of cool that Tom's product has lasted so long in the marketplace 
> almost completely unchanged, but it really is time to move on. 
> Sent from my iPhone
> -- Peter
> pjfra...@mac.com
>> On Dec 26, 2013, at 8:38 AM, Rich <rich-m...@octoxol.com> wrote:
>> Works for me.
>>> On 12/26/2013 09:57 AM, John9ten wrote:
>>> Am I the only one for whom this link won't work even though I copied the 
>>> whole thing, excluding the parentheses?
>>> John Robles
>>>> On Dec 26, 2013, at 7:15 AM, srsel...@aol.com wrote:
>>>> _Time  to Stock Up on Incandescent Bulbs Before They Go Out Permanently_
>>>> (http://links.heritage.org/hostedemail/email.htm?CID=18246527865&ch=5823E15D760
>>>> 7E8004A49A6B8776A53D7&h=b5053f43c26e6e123298476731c09368&ei=WOoHXHpNZ)
>>>> Steve Ramm
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