ID:               15489
 Updated by:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Status:           Open
 Bug Type:         Reproducible crash
 Operating System: redhat 6.2
 PHP Version:      4.1.1
 New Comment:

I recompiled php with the changes from the patch, but could not see any
remarkable changes. Could be, that the crashes occur slightly less
often, but I'm not really sure as this is pretty hard to test. But I
guess this is the right way to search - seems as if this was some
header part? I rechecked the occurence of this crashes, and it seems to
be in direct contact with sessions - pages without session do not crash
at all (well, accept the xslt generated ones, but thats probably
something different). I already tested to disable cookies, but this did
not change anything :-(
Well, will try to learn how to debug and get some more information for
you guys then...but may take some time;->

Previous Comments:

[2002-02-14 08:23:44] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

could be, once again, a duplicate of already fixed bug


can you apply the patch described in

and retry?


[2002-02-10 12:37:42] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

We found apache crashing when user request the first side of one of our
websides (seg. fault in logs). This happend with the upgrade from php
4.06 to 4.1.0 and is still happening with 4.1.1. Untill now I thought
that this is probably a problem of the old apache version we are using,
but then I expierienced some sort of wonder when accessing the page
from my linux box from at home - and it worked 100%. So, if the page is
accessed  using M$ Internet explorer (5-6), the apache child crashes by
70%, if accessed through mozilla, it doesn't. This is definitly out of
my understanding and probably not fixable by changing the apache
version...maybe anyone knows some sort of problem and can give me some
I'm probably not able to do any sort of debugging if it means to
recompile php or apache as I have to wait for maintanance in one-two
weeks to shut down the system - and don't ask, there's no test server
because of money reasons in a small company. I will do my best to
provide anything else and would love to hear some suggestions for
recompiling (what will probably happen on maintanance). For now, I'm
just trying to find the reason for the script breaking down myself, so
I will provide more information on that as soon as I get them.
Php is configured in the following way:
running on redhat 2.2.14-6.1.1 with apache 1.3.12
Thanks for any answer in advance,


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