ID:               16274
 Updated by:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Status:           Open
+Status:           Feedback
 Bug Type:         Session related
 Operating System: Linux 7.1
 PHP Version:      4.1.2
 New Comment:

This is very likely to be a problem with your browser anad not with
PHP. Which browser do you use, and can you try other browsers?

Previous Comments:

[2002-03-25 20:04:29] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I use apache 1.3.23 / php 4.1.2 / mysql 3.23.49 / Zend Optimizer v1.2.0
with Redhat 7.1.

phpinfo list are below,

Configure Command  './configure' '--with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql'
'--with-apache=../apache_1.3.23' '--enable-track-vars' 
Server API Apache 
Virtual Directory Support disabled 
Configuration File (php.ini) Path /usr/local/Zend/etc/php.ini 
ZEND_DEBUG disabled 
Thread Safety disabled 

php.ini list below,

session.save_handler = files 
session.cookie_domain = 
session.serialize_handler = php 
session.gc_probability = 1 
session.gc_maxlifetime = 1440 
session.referer_check = 
session.entropy_length = 0 
session.entropy_file = 
session.cache_limiter = nocache 
session.cache_expire = 180 
session.use_trans_sid = 1 
url_rewriter.tags =

First I loged in by session, and close browser.
Then I reconnect, session still alive with login ID and Password.
I restart my server computer and my personal computer, but session are
still alive.

Sometime session disconnect, but Sometime are not.

You can test here with UserID : 1111
and password 1111.
phpinfo URL is

I found someone who are same exprience with me.
One use php 4.1.1 and the other use 4.1.2

I also expriece this situation with win2K server. with php versoion


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