ID:               14529
 Updated by:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Status:           Critical
 Bug Type:         Output Control
 Operating System: Linux RH 7.2
 PHP Version:      4.3.0-dev
 New Comment:

I did the same thing a while back and things appeared to work again. 
My screens were not getting cut off on every page load.  But apache
still crashed on almost every page viewed.  Somehow, IE was able to
display the page (I'm thinking though cache but it caught some of the
newer info - but not always) but Netscape, Opera and some linux
browsers simply displayed an error that they could not connect and
eventually even in IE the pages started getting cut off again.

It's as if apache crashed anyways for me only crashed sooner if the
session read function returned false instead of an empty string.

I've cut my program very small and eliminated all include/require
statements thinking I'd add them until the problem occured, only as a
base program (still fairly complex) the problem still occurs.  Yet I've
written some very simple pages and they don't crash.  It's almost like
it's a combination of tasks that cause it.

Previous Comments:

[2002-03-26 18:22:30] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

YEAH! IT WORKS! I've solved my problem! It was related to my
session_handling and the session_read function. When I forced the
function to ALWAYS return a string, even if it was an empty one apache
stopped crashing!

return (string)$value;

Previously I sometimes returned other values such as the boolean false.
This didn't make apache crash with 4.0.6 but it does with the later

*happy happy happy*

The page works like a charm again! No cut off pages! No messed up
posted forms! No more weird sessions that doesn't register! I LOVE IT!


[2002-03-20 06:18:03] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On this page are a lot of comments, one of them was striking:
04-Mar-2002 02:57 
I just want to mention, that it's critical to return a string value
the read function, because there can be strange errors if - for example
the return value is null. In my case the php program stopped in the
of an "echo" command, so it was really hard to find, that the
real problem was with that session read callback function.
The easyest way to handle this, that you should cast the return value
before return. For example:
function read ($id) {
        /*      code here to produce $retval   */
    return (string)$retval;

Weird, isn't it, but maybe it helps getting more close to solving the

ps: we've got php4.1.2 now installed as a CGI,
session.save_handler=files, still using the session_set_save_handler
function (although it doesn't say so in the tutorial -explicitly- it
does override the 'files'-setting, see one of the other comments) and I
don't have any problems anymore. At least, not until now, fingers


[2002-03-19 16:28:14] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Responding to albert.
My system also needed to have session.save_handler set to user for load
balancing.  However, I tried using files instead and at first I thought
it worked fine but it turned out it still crashed, only less often and
at different points.  (Previously code output always stopped at
specific spots when it crashed and only on some pages, this just
changed the point at which it would crash and other pages that before
had no problems didn't appear correctly.

Some have suggested they removed sessions all together and still had
the problem and others claim the problems stop if sessions are not
used.  (Maybe there is two completely different bugs causing similar

It seems as if this bug has nothing that anyone has been able to narrow
down as what causes the problem.  

Besides apache crashing (Segmentation fault)I have noticed that other
small things don't opperate properly since version 4.0.6 that should. 
Here are two other things I've seen give problems and confirmed through
test scripts.

4.2.x (or 4.3.x) unserialize() does not recognizing values set by
serialize() in PHP 4.0.x.  My system stores arrays using the
serialize() function into a database (such as a color scheme).  When I
upgrade to 4.2.x or new snaps, when those strings are pulled from the
database, the unserialize() function will gives an error that it
couldn't read the string (this is not a magic_quote issue as settings
are the same).

Session variable values getting corrupted:
For example at one point I had a transparent graphic shim.gif used on a
page to keep columns widths in line.  That graphic was moved to a new
location but a php's script was not updated from <img src="shim.gif> to
<img src="/images/shim.gif">.  This meant the HTML that PHP returned to
the visitors browser had a simple invalid link in it and the page
should load normally with just an empty placeholder where the image
shim.gif was to be.  However, even though this did happen it also did
mess up session variable values.  A simple test created that had the
HTML code with the invalid location for shim.gif in the image tag along
with the lines:

echo $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['PHP_SELF'].'<br>';
echo $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['PHP_SELF'].'<br>';

would output correctly:

BUT the session $HTTP_SESSION_VAR['lastpage'] upon the next page load
would be equal to 'shim.gif' and not 'pagename.php' like you'd expect. 
So even though $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['PHP_SELF'] returned (and must have
set the correct value), setting it into a session changed the value of

These problems did not happen in version 4.0.6 or older, so they may
have something to do with the bug of shutting down apache but I don't
know enough of how PHP is written to really know.

Hope this helps.


[2002-03-19 10:03:48] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Check out bug-report #15940, talking about propably the same problems


[2002-03-19 10:00:27] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Read the whole thread, concluded that I've got the same problems as
described by jay1
First we thought that it maybe was an Apacheproblem, so we installed an
older version than 1.3.23, namely 1.3.20
This didn't help, same bugs appeared.
Fiddled around with fopen, nothing there.
Read this thread and came to the idea to set session.save_handler to
files instead of user (wich setting actually IS necesary, because we
loadbalance our site with three mirrored servers). And since then, no
problems at all.
My question now is to jay1: how is session.save_handler in your


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