From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Operating system: Solaris i think
PHP version:      4.1.2
PHP Bug Type:     *General Issues
Bug description:  array issue in object

i have created a class called filter. i have two variables in the class
which are arrays. i have an method named approve which sets the values of
both arrays. however the arrays both get set to the same value.

here is the relevant portion of the filter class code.

class Filter{

  var $filter_name = "Basic Filter";
  var $allowed_number = 0;
  var $filter_word_file; // file name string
  var $violations; // array of strings of violating keywords
  var $keywords; // array of strings of keywords in content

  // Basic filter constructor.
  // Returns : nothing
  // Parameters :       $file_name File containing restricted words. 
  function Filter($file_name){

  // Compares passed content to restricted file. Approved if unwanted
content falls
  // in range specified by $violation_count.
  // Returns :  true if approved
  //            false if not approved
  // Parameters :       $content the content to test    
  function approve($content){
    $word_arr = file($this->filter_word_file);
    $content_arr = split(" ",$content);
    $violation_count = 0;
    $run_once = true;
          $violation_arr[$violation_count] = $content_arr[$j];
          if((strlen($content_arr[$j])>4)&& ($run_once == true)){
            $keyword_arr[] = $content_arr[$j];
      $run_once = false;      
 //***** THIS IS THE CODE THAT IS BUGGY!!!! ******
    $this->$violations = $violation_arr;
    $this->$keywords = $keyword_arr;
 //***** NOW HERE BOTH $keywords and $violations ARE SET TO THE VALUE OF
$keyword_arr *****
      return false;
    return true;  
  // Sets the number of allowed violations.
  // Return :   nothing
  // Parameters :       $number Amount of violations to allow.
  function setAllowedViolationNumber($number){
    $this->$allowed_number = $number;  

  // Returns an array of content violations.
  // Return :   array of strings
  // Parameters :       none
  function getViolatingContent(){
        return $this->$violations;
  // Returns an array of keywords for content.
  // Return :   array of strings
  // Parameters :       none
  function getKeywords(){
        echo count($keywords);
        return $this->$keywords;


Anyway I can always re-produce this bug and I think there is something
seriously wrong here.

Edit bug report at
Fixed in CVS:
Fixed in release:
Need backtrace:
Try newer version:
Not developer issue:
Expected behavior:
Not enough info:
Submitted twice:

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