ID:               19522
 User updated by:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Status:           Feedback
+Status:           Open
 Bug Type:         IMAP related
 Operating System: Linux
 PHP Version:      4.2.3
 New Comment:

Using the


modifiers has worked around the problem. Thankyou very much. The Debian
package maintainer thinks the underlying problem is with the
libc-client deciding to negotiate TLS if it sees that capability, which
obviously has unexpected results if it's not expecting a TLS

Previous Comments:

[2002-09-20 12:50:07] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This might also be one to try:


[2002-09-20 12:48:06] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Look in this page for how you can pass some extra
authentication parameters:

Something like this should work:

 imap_open("{localhost:143/imap/tls}", $username,$password);

The c-client must of course be compiled with the ssl support..


[2002-09-20 08:32:44] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The imap_open() call is:

imap_open("{localhost:143}", $username, $password);


[2002-09-20 08:08:18] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please give the full imap_open() line..


[2002-09-20 08:05:57] [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I've got UW imapd running on the loopback interface on tcp/143 running
plain old IMAP.

When I try to connect using imap_open(), (and watch using tcpdump) I
see the IMAP server spit out it's banner, which includes STARTTLS in
the capabilities, and then I see a STARTTLS get issued. The imap_open()
then seems to get confused with the TLS stream and says it couldn't
open the stream.

I'm using the Debian PHP4 package, it was compiled with:

'../configure' '--prefix=/usr' '--with-apxs=/usr/bin/apxs'
'--with-regex=php' '--with-config-file-path=/etc/php4/apache'
'--disable-rpath' '--disable-debug' '--enable-memory-limit'
'--with-layout=GNU' '--enable-calendar' '--enable-sysvsem'
'--enable-sysvshm' '--enable-track-vars' '--enable-trans-sid'
'--enable-bcmath' '--with-bz2' '--enable-ctype' '--with-db2'
'--with-iconv' '--enable-exif' '--enable-filepro' '--enable-ftp'
'--with-gettext' '--enable-mbstring' '--with-pcre-regex=/usr'
'--enable-shmop' '--enable-sockets' '--enable-wddx' '--disable-xml'
'--with-expat-dir=/usr' '--enable-yp' '--with-zlib' '--without-pgsql'
'--with-openssl=/usr' '--disable-static' '--with-curl=shared,/usr'
'--with-dom=shared,/usr' '--with-zlib-dir=/usr' '--with-gd=shared,/usr'
'--with-jpeg-dir=shared,/usr' '--with-xpm-dir=shared,/usr/X11R6'
'--with-png-dir=shared,/usr' '--with-freetype-dir=shared,/usr'
'--with-imap=shared,/usr' '--with-imap-ssl' '--with-ldap=shared,/usr'
'--with-mcal=shared,/usr' '--with-mhash=shared,/usr' '--with-mm'
'--with-mysql=shared,/usr' '--with-unixODBC=shared,/usr'
'--with-recode=shared,/usr' '--enable-xslt'
'--with-xslt-sablot=shared,/usr' '--with-snmp=shared'
'--enable-ucd-snmp-hack' '--with-sybase-ct=shared,/usr'
'--with-ttf=shared,/usr' '--with-t1lib=shared,/usr'

and includes IMAP SSL support.


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