From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Operating system: Linux 2.4.19
PHP version:      4CVS-2002-09-27
PHP Bug Type:     *General Issues
Bug description:  trouble using cmdline with options


I'm using PHP cmdline-version called by shell shortcut comment

#!/usr/local/bin/php ...

with options 

-d log_errors=On -q

which made the -q get ignored under 4.2.3. So I tried to use latest
CVS-snapshot as defined above.

Well, this problem has gone, but then I tried to include some definitions
with option -d.

#!/usr/local/bin/php -d display_errors=Off
<?php include "notthere.php"; ?>


Warning: main(notthere.php) []: failed to
create stream: No such file or directory in ./test on line 1

Warning: Failed opening 'notthere.php' for inclusion
(include_path='.:/usr/lib/php') in ./test on line 1

Can't I overload system-wide configuration file by using this option -d???

BTW: Some other failure I realised with the first test under 4.2.3 appears
in that CVS-version, too. Writing -q as first option before -d ....
produces some error output

Error in argument 1, char 3: option not found
Error in argument 1, char 4: option not found -
Error in argument 1, char 3: option not found
Usage: [...]

which is then completed by the list of available options.

I tried to turn it into using -c with some optional configuration file

#!/usr/local/bin/php -q -c /etc/test.ini

and set display_errors to false in that file. With -q it still produces
the error output, so this could be a false of -q handling. Removing it
produces still the file-not-found-warnings ...

After finding several bugs I'm forced to use your beta-cvs-snapshots
within production tools and urgently need some release (called stable
officially) which fixes this and the recent bugs ... thanks.

Thomas Urban

Edit bug report at
Try a CVS snapshot:
Fixed in CVS:
Fixed in release:
Need backtrace:
Try newer version:
Not developer issue:
Expected behavior:
Not enough info:
Submitted twice:

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