ID:               26004
 Comment by:       mgo dot netmail at gmail dot com
 Reported By:      jacknorton101 at hotmail dot com
 Status:           No Feedback
 Bug Type:         *General Issues
 Operating System: RedHat Linux 9
 PHP Version:      4.3.3
 New Comment:

Yup, have the same problem with PHP 5.1.6.
If someone have a fix for this issue please let me know. I recently
update my environment and this is starting to cost me too much time and

Thanks in advanced.

Previous Comments:

[2007-07-03 11:34:35] info at netsilik dot nl

Althoug I cannot reproduce the error myself some of my custommers
experience the bug described above.
And they pop-up in my error-log files

When reguesting a page with the POST method and the enctype is set to
"multipart/form-data", the $_POST suberglobal is left empty.

(Post requests without enctype="multipart/form-data" work fine.)

I've recently moved to PHP 5.1.6.
The exact same code worked fine for months on the previous version.

some php.ini settings (same as previous version):
  max_execution_time = 60
  max_input_time = 120
  memory_limit = 24M
  post_max_size = 8M
  file_uploads = On
  upload_max_filesize = 3M

The html-form: (the document is valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional)

<form action="/gallery/saveFile.php" method="post"
  <input type="hidden" name="sessionId"
  <input type="hidden" name="albumId" value="123"/>
  <input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="3145728"/>
  <input type="text" name="title" value="" maxlength="64"/>
  <input type="file" name="userFile"/>
  <input type="checkbox" name="overwerite" value="true"/>
  <input type="submit" value="Upload"/>

I've not yet found a solutions for this VERY SERIOUS problem
If there is anyone that has a fix, please let me know.


[2007-05-11 04:56:29] no_patience at hotmail dot com

I worked around this injecting the values I wanted into the forms
"action" statement and using $_GET to extract these values, the file
uploading part then extracts its informaion from the POST part.

I was also seeing this happening with both IE and FF


[2007-05-10 08:47:07] dlodhia at yahoo dot com

hi, having same problem.

This is working fine with FF, but not with IE.

If its working fine with FF, it could not be problem with PHP.INI or

any suggestion what could be the reason?


[2006-08-10 06:25:06] cometfish at hotmail dot com

Hi, I had this same problem. I spent hours searching the web, but found
nothing except this:
09-Jan-2006 05:08 
Regarding empty $_FILES and $_POST arrays when uploading files larger
than post_max_size:
Tucked away in is this
"If the size of post data is greater than post_max_size, the $_POST and
$_FILES superglobals are empty. This can be tracked in various ways,
e.g. by passing the $_GET variable to the script processing the data,
i.e. <form action="edit.php?processed=1">, and then checking if
$_GET['processed'] is set."
This may seem like a bug. You'd expect something like
UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE to be set. But you just two empty superglobals.
I've seen it submitted to twice and it's been marked as
bogus both times. 

I saw this, and realised that my MAX_FILE_SIZE hidden form element was
missing. Inserting this fixed the problem immediately. My PHP version is
4.4.2. Hope this helps.


[2006-05-11 21:24:50] hostgeekz at gmail dot com

I am having this issue on PHP 5.0.4, and PHP 5.1.4

Exactly the same as stated above,


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