ID:               42160
 Updated by:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      xoneca+php at gmail dot com
-Status:           Open
+Status:           Bogus
 Bug Type:         Reproducible crash
 Operating System: Windows XP SP2
 PHP Version:      5.2.3
 New Comment:

Sorry, but your problem does not imply a bug in PHP itself.  For a
list of more appropriate places to ask for help using PHP, please
visit as this bug system is not the
appropriate forum for asking support questions.  Due to the volume
of reports we can not explain in detail here why your report is not
a bug.  The support channels will be able to provide an explanation
for you.

Thank you for your interest in PHP.

Ask support questions on how to install PHP elsewhere.
You just have done something wrong, works fine here.

Previous Comments:

[2007-07-31 14:11:02] xoneca+php at gmail dot com

Also happens only running:

  php <something>

And doesn't output anything.


[2007-07-31 14:04:26] xoneca+php at gmail dot com

PHP (CLI) crashes in module php_mbstring.dll
PHP (Apache 2.2 module) doesn't say anything of mbstring, but of mysql
and exif, but doesn't crash, they simply don't work (i.e. PHP's MySQL
wrapper doesn't work -says: "extension not loaded").

Reproduce code:
In command line: php -re mysql

Expected result:
Extension [ <persistent> extension #28 mysql version 1.0 ] {

  - INI {
    Entry [ mysql.allow_persistent <SYSTEM> ]
      Current = '1'
    Entry [ mysql.max_persistent <SYSTEM> ]
      Current = '-1'
    Entry [ mysql.max_links <SYSTEM> ]
      Current = '-1'
    Entry [ mysql.default_host <ALL> ]
      Current = ''
    Entry [ mysql.default_user <ALL> ]
      Current = ''
    Entry [ mysql.default_password <ALL> ]
      Current = ''
    Entry [ mysql.default_port <ALL> ]
      Current = ''
    Entry [ mysql.default_socket <ALL> ]
      Current = ''
    Entry [ mysql.connect_timeout <ALL> ]
      Current = '60'
    Entry [ mysql.trace_mode <ALL> ]
      Current = ''

  - Constants [7] {
    Constant [ integer MYSQL_ASSOC ] { 1 }
    Constant [ integer MYSQL_NUM ] { 2 }
    Constant [ integer MYSQL_BOTH ] { 3 }
    Constant [ integer MYSQL_CLIENT_COMPRESS ] { 32 }
    Constant [ integer MYSQL_CLIENT_SSL ] { 2048 }
    Constant [ integer MYSQL_CLIENT_INTERACTIVE ] { 1024 }
    Constant [ integer MYSQL_CLIENT_IGNORE_SPACE ] { 256 }

  - Functions {
    Function [ <internal:mysql> function mysql_connect ] {
    Function [ <internal:mysql> function mysql_pconnect ] {
    Function [ <internal:mysql> function mysql_close ] {
    Function [ <internal:mysql> function mysql_select_db ] {
    Function [ <internal:mysql> function mysql_query ] {
    Function [ <internal:mysql> function mysql_unbuffered_query ] {
    Function [ <internal:mysql> function mysql_db_query ] {
    Function [ <internal:mysql> function mysql_list_dbs ] {
    Function [ <internal, deprecated:mysql> function mysql_list_tables
] {
    Function [ <internal:mysql> function mysql_list_fields ] {
    Function [ <internal:mysql> function mysql_list_processes ] {
    Function [ <internal:mysql> function mysql_error ] {
    Function [ <internal:mysql> function mysql_errno ] {
    Function [ <internal:mysql> function mysql_affected_rows ] {
    Function [ <internal:mysql> function mysql_insert_id ] {
    Function [ <internal:mysql> function mysql_result ] {
    Function [ <internal:mysql> function mysql_num_rows ] {
    Function [ <internal:mysql> function mysql_num_fields ] {
    Function [ <internal:mysql> function mysql_fetch_row ] {
    Function [ <internal:mysql> function mysql_fetch_array ] {
    Function [ <internal:mysql> function mysql_fetch_assoc ] {
    Function [ <internal:mysql> function mysql_fetch_object ] {
    Function [ <internal:mysql> function mysql_data_seek ] {
    Function [ <internal:mysql> function mysql_fetch_lengths ] {
    Function [ <internal:mysql> function mysql_fetch_field ] {
    Function [ <internal:mysql> function mysql_field_seek ] {
    Function [ <internal:mysql> function mysql_free_result ] {
    Function [ <internal:mysql> function mysql_field_name ] {
    Function [ <internal:mysql> function mysql_field_table ] {
    Function [ <internal:mysql> function mysql_field_len ] {
    Function [ <internal:mysql> function mysql_field_type ] {
    Function [ <internal:mysql> function mysql_field_flags ] {
    Function [ <internal:mysql> function mysql_escape_string ] {
    Function [ <internal:mysql> function mysql_real_escape_string ] {
    Function [ <internal:mysql> function mysql_stat ] {
    Function [ <internal:mysql> function mysql_thread_id ] {
    Function [ <internal:mysql> function mysql_client_encoding ] {
    Function [ <internal:mysql> function mysql_ping ] {
    Function [ <internal:mysql> function mysql_get_client_info ] {
    Function [ <internal:mysql> function mysql_get_host_info ] {
    Function [ <internal:mysql> function mysql_get_proto_info ] {
    Function [ <internal:mysql> function mysql_get_server_info ] {
    Function [ <internal:mysql> function mysql_info ] {
    Function [ <internal:mysql> function mysql_set_charset ] {
    Function [ <internal:mysql> function mysql ] {
    Function [ <internal:mysql> function mysql_fieldname ] {
    Function [ <internal:mysql> function mysql_fieldtable ] {
    Function [ <internal:mysql> function mysql_fieldlen ] {
    Function [ <internal:mysql> function mysql_fieldtype ] {
    Function [ <internal:mysql> function mysql_fieldflags ] {
    Function [ <internal:mysql> function mysql_selectdb ] {
    Function [ <internal:mysql> function mysql_freeresult ] {
    Function [ <internal:mysql> function mysql_numfields ] {
    Function [ <internal:mysql> function mysql_numrows ] {
    Function [ <internal:mysql> function mysql_listdbs ] {
    Function [ <internal, deprecated:mysql> function mysql_listtables ]
    Function [ <internal:mysql> function mysql_listfields ] {
    Function [ <internal:mysql> function mysql_db_name ] {
    Function [ <internal:mysql> function mysql_dbname ] {
    Function [ <internal:mysql> function mysql_tablename ] {
    Function [ <internal:mysql> function mysql_table_name ] {

Actual result:
Nothing but an error message (No error is logged by PHP):
CLI has detected a problem and has to be closed.


AppName: php.exe
ModName: php_mbstring.dll
Offset: 00001a76
Extensions loaded:
  php_exif.dll  (I've problems with this and Apache 2.2; CLI works)
  php_mysql.dll   (I've also problems with this and Apache 2.2; CLI
PHP.INI (D:\php\php.ini)
  extension_dir = D:\php\ext
  include_path=".;D:\php\PEAR\pear"   ; (Added by go-pear at bottom)

All other PHP.ini cfg not mentioned here is untouched from
php.ini-recommended (or I think it's not relevant)


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