ID:               42198
 User updated by:  hans at parse dot nl
 Reported By:      hans at parse dot nl
 Status:           Open
 Bug Type:         CGI related
 Operating System: Linux
 PHP Version:      5.2.4RC1
 New Comment:

A little more explanation fyi: The problem is that DOCUMENT_ROOT is
always set to the configured document root of the default host or the
vhost, even when calling scripts from a userdir. This is not just in
Lighttpd/FastCGI, also f.e. in Apache setups. In my testcase
DOCUMENT_ROOT is '/var/www/htdocs'.

So if i call http://servername/~hans/info.php/foo/bar , We enter this
bit of code in init_request_info() in sapi/cgi/cgi_main.c:

/* figure out docroot

if (env_document_root)
        int l = strlen(env_document_root);
        int path_translated_len = 0;
        char *path_translated = NULL;

        if (l && env_document_root[l - 1] == '/') {

        /* we have docroot, so we should have:
         * DOCUMENT_ROOT=/docroot
         * SCRIPT_FILENAME=/docroot/info.php
         * SCRIPT_NAME is the portion of the path beyond docroot
         env_script_name = pt + l;

Since env_document_root is pretty much always set, we enter the if. pt
is '/home/hans/public_html/info.php' at this point (which is correct). l
becomes 15, the strlen of our DOCUMENT_ROOT '/var/www/htdocs'. The
"trailing slash check if loop" is skipped since our docroot doesn't have
a trailing slash. After this, SCRIPT_NAME is set to pt + l. pt being
'/home/hans/public_html/info.php' and l being 15, this results in a
invalid SCRIPT_NAME (and thus a PHP_SELF) of 'ic_html/info.php'.

My patch adds a userdir check to the 'if (env_document_root)', to
prevent from entering this if() with a DOCUMENT_ROOT that doesn't match
the actual docroot of the userdir. The code that follows after this if()
handles the userdir requests perfectly and results in correct

Previous Comments:

[2007-08-06 16:11:11] hans at parse dot nl

./configure --enable-cgi --enable-fastcgi --enable-force-cgi-redirect
--prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --with-config-file-path=/etc/php
--with-openssl --with-bz2 --with-gd --with-mysql --with-mysqli
--with-gettext --with-zlib --enable-mbstring --enable-sockets
--enable-sysvsem --enable-sysvshm --enable-debug=no

Direct link to my patch against php-5.2.3 on lighttpd Trac:


[2007-08-06 15:45:15] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What was the configure line used to configure PHP?


[2007-08-06 08:30:01] hans at parse dot nl

Yes, problem found initially in 5.2.3 but i tested and confirmed with
5.2.4RC1 before submitting this bug report.

Turning off cgi.fix_pathinfo results in a "No input file specified."
message (url being http://servername/~hans/info.php/foo/bar).


[2007-08-04 14:14:24] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Also, what is the result if cgi.fix_pathinfo = 0 ?


[2007-08-04 14:13:36] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

And you are really using 5.2.4RC1? 


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