ID:               42290
 Updated by:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      arysin at gmail dot com
-Status:           Assigned
+Status:           Analyzed
 Bug Type:         mbstring related
 Operating System: *
 PHP Version:      5.2CVS-2007-08-14
 Assigned To:      hirokawa
 New Comment:

I got the same result as arysin,
(PHP_5_2CVS 20070819, PCRE 7.2 2007-06-19)

Šiltas, Xiltas
Šiltas, Xiltas

I think PCRE is also not working.

Jani, which version of PHP/PCRE you are using ?

Previous Comments:

[2007-08-17 13:46:13] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Assigned to the maintainer of mbstring extension.


[2007-08-14 09:11:37] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I get this as output:

Šiltas, Xiltas
Xiltas, Xiltas

So I don't think there's anything wrong with PCRE, just mbstring stuff.


[2007-08-14 01:28:44] arysin at gmail dot com

The function mb_eregi_replace() and/or function mb_ereg_replace() with
'i' option is not caseinsensitive for multibyte characters.
The same problem occurs for preg_replace() with /i option.

This bug was reported before twice:
1) (#39999) and was marked as Bogus stating it's not php bug. 
2) (#25953) was marked as Won't fix with note "Probably the issue will
be resolved in php5."

As one cannot add anything to closed bug I'd like to reopen this bug
here for the reason stated below:

This library is not linked dynamically, on contrary its source is
present in php source repository. So there's no way for php users to
have this problem fixed without php itself being fixed.
More than that, the version of oniguruma in php repository is pretty
old so at least importing the newer version of it would be a nice try to
fix this bug.

Reproduce code:


$pattern = 'š'; //s 'crown'
$replace = 'X';

$subject = 'Šiltas, šiltas';

$result = mb_eregi_replace($pattern, $replace, $subject);

echo $result;

$result = preg_replace("/$pattern/iu", $replace, $subject);

echo $result . "\n";

Expected result:
Xiltas, Xiltas
Xiltas, Xiltas

Actual result:
Šiltas, Xiltas
Šiltas, Xiltas


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