ID:               42809
 Updated by:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      apolinux at hotmail dot com
-Status:           Open
+Status:           Feedback
 Bug Type:         WDDX related
 Operating System: Windows XP
 PHP Version:      5.2.4
 New Comment:

Can you please try and cut it down a few dozen lines? Short script is
around 10-20 lines long..

Previous Comments:

[2007-10-01 12:31:12] apolinux at hotmail dot com

if (file_exists("../config/config.php") ){
        include "../config/config.php";
else {
        include "./config/config.php";
require_once "PEAR.php";
require_once "DB.php";
require_once "operativolib.php";
require_once "granlavasecolib.php";
require_once "agenciaslib.php";

contiene los metodos necesarios para comunicarse remotamente cliente a
usa el protocolo de conexion WDDX


class Sincronizacion extends Operativo {
        var $urlServidor = ''; 
        var $datos;
        var $peticion ;
        var $tabla;
        var $arrObj;
        function __construct($conex=NULL,$idAgenciaDest=NULL,$datos=NULL)
                $agencia = new Agencias($conex);
                if ($this->idAgencia == $idAgenciaDest) {//no me conecto a la 
                        die('No se puede conectar a la misma agencia.');
                if (empty($idAgenciaDest) && $datos['equipo'] != 
                        $this->lanzarErr('El URL de la Agencia esta vacio.<br 
                        return false;
                $this->urlServidor =
                if (!empty($datos)) {
                return true;
        function asignaDatos($datos){
                $this->datos = $datos;
                $this->peticion = $this->datos['peticion'];
                $this->tabla = $this->datos['tabla'];
        funcion creaPaquete
        Empaqueta los datos en el formato WDDX
        listo para enviar 
        function creaPaquete($datos)
                $packet_id  = wddx_packet_start("Llamada Remota WDDX");
                if (is_array($datos)) { //verVar($datos);
                        foreach($datos as $key => $data){
                                  //create a var whith the name of the content 
of $key
                                  $$key = $data;
                else {
                        wddx_add_vars($packet_id, "datos");
                $paquete = wddx_packet_end($packet_id);// verVar($paquete);
                $paquete = urlencode($paquete);
                return $paquete;
        function enviaPaquete($paqueteSerializado)
                $ch = curl_init(); 
                curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "$this->urlServidor"); 
                curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
                curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $paqueteSerializado);
                curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
                if (! $resul = curl_exec ($ch)){
                        $this->lanzarErr("Error al comunicarse con 
                        return false;
                        }// verlog($resul);
                curl_close ($ch);               
                return $resul;
        function analizaPaquete($paquete)
                if (empty($paquete)) {
                        return '';
                $paquete= urldecode($paquete); //verlog($paquete);
                //preg_match("/(<\/wddxPacket>)/s", $paquete, $m);
                $parsed_packet = wddx_deserialize($paquete);//
                return $parsed_packet;
        public static function recibePaquete()
                $fp = fopen("php://input", "r");
                $paqueteRecibido = '';
                while(!feof( $fp ))$paqueteRecibido.=fgets( $fp );
                return $paqueteRecibido;
        funcion enviarDatosRemoto
        envia los datos en formato wddx al servidor
        ,recibe una respuesta y la devuelve
        public function enviarDatosRemoto()//$arrVariables)
                //verificar si se envian o se reciben datos
                if (empty($this->datos) ){
                        die('No hay datos para enviar.');
                if ($this->datos['peticion'] == ENVIAR_DATOS) { //realiza la
                        $this->error = false;
                        $this->datos['arrObj'] = $this->consultaBD();//
                        if ($this->error){
                                return false;
                                } //verVar($this->datos['arrObj']);
                        } //verlog($this->datos);       
                //crear paquete
                $paquete = $this->creaPaquete($this->datos); 
                //enviar paquete remotamente
                $respuesta = $this->enviaPaquete($paquete); //echo
"resp=$respuesta,"; print_r($this->analizapaquete($respuesta)); echo ",
error: '$this->error'";echo "<br />";   
                if ($this->error) {             
                        return $this->msg;
                //analizar paquete
                $paqueteRecibido = $this->analizaPaquete($respuesta);
                if (empty($paqueteRecibido)) {
                        $this->lanzarErr("La respuesta del servidor 
'$this->urlServidor' es
vacia. Por favor verifique su configuracion");
                        return false;
                if ($paqueteRecibido['error'] == 1){
                        return false;
                return $paqueteRecibido['respuesta'];//en crea paquete se define
        public function recibeDatosRemoto()
                $paquete = $this->recibePaquete(); //verlog($paquete);
                $consulta = $this->analizaPaquete($paquete); 
                if (empty($consulta) ){
                        $arrResp = array('respuesta' => 'consulta 
vacia.','error' => 1);
                else {
                        $peticion = $consulta['peticion'];
                        $this->tabla = $consulta['tabla'];
                        if ($peticion == SOLICITAR_DATOS) {
                                $datos = $this->consultaBD();
                        else { //enviar DATOS
                                $datos = $this->insertaBD($consulta['arrObj']);
                        if (!$datos) {
                                $datos = $this->msg;
                        $arrResp = array('respuesta' => $datos , 'error' =>
$this->error,'codError' => $this->codError);
                $respuesta = $this->creaPaquete($arrResp);
                return $respuesta;
        function consultaBD()
                {//verVar($this) ; exit;
                switch ($this->tabla){
                        case T_ORDENES: 
                        $sql = "SELECT * FROM ordenes";         break;
                        case T_PRENDAS:
                        $sql = "SELECT * FROM prendas";         break;
                        case T_CLIENTES:
                        $sql = "SELECT * FROM clientes";        break;
                        case T_OPERARIOS:
                        $sql = "SELECT * FROM operarios";       break;
                        case T_AGENCIAS:
                        $sql = "SELECT * FROM agencias";        break;
                $datos =& $this->conex->getAssoc($sql,false, array(),
DB_FETCHMODE_OBJECT); //verlog(print_r($datos,1));
                if (PEAR::isError($datos)){
                        //return $datos->getUserInfo();
                        return false;
                return $datos;
        realiza la consulta de agregacion
        function insertaBD($datos)
                if (empty($datos)) {
                        $this->lanzarErr('Los datos para insercion son 
                        return false;
                        case T_ORDENES:         $tabla = 'ordenes';     break;
                        case T_PRENDAS:         $tabla = 'prendas';     break;
                        case T_CLIENTES:        $tabla = 'clientes';    break;
                        case T_OPERARIOS:       $tabla = 'operarios';   break;
                        case T_AGENCIAS:        $tabla = 'agencias';    break;
                        default:                        $this->lanzarErr('La 
tabla no existe');
                                return false;;
                $contExt = 0;
                $sql = 0;
                foreach ($datos as $reg) { //recorre un array de objetos
                        $cont = 0;
                        $cadValores = '';
                        $cadCampos = '';
                        foreach($reg as $nombre => $valor) { //ciclo a traves 
de la clase
                                if ($cont == 0){
                                        $coma = '';
                                        $cont = 1;
                                else {
                                        $coma = ',';
                                $cadCampos .= "$coma $nombre";
                                $cadValores .= "$coma '$valor'";
                        if ($contExt == 0 ){
                                $sql = "INSERT INTO $tabla ($cadCampos)\nVALUES 
                                $contExt = 1;
                        else $sql .= ",($cadValores)\n";
                $db = $this->conex;
                $res = $db->query($sql);
                if (PEAR::isError($res)){
                        if ($res->getCode() == -5 ) { //registros duplicados
                                $this->lanzarErr("Existen registros duplicados 
en $tabla.",-5);
//verlog("tabla=$this->msg ");
                                return false;
                        else {
                                return $res->getUserInfo();
                $numModif = $db->affectedRows();
                $this->msg = "Se insertaron $numModif registros en $tabla";
                return $this->msg;
        function sincronizarTodo(){
                $arrTablas1 = array(
                                'prendas'       => T_PRENDAS, 
                                'clientes'      => T_CLIENTES,
                                'operarios' => T_OPERARIOS, 
                                'agencias'      => T_AGENCIAS);
                $arrTablas2 = array(
                        'operarios'     => T_OPERARIOS,
                        'agencias' => T_AGENCIAS);
                if (strtolower($this->idAgencia) == EQUIPO_PRINCIPAL){ //esta
agencia=principal, recibe arrtablas1,envia arrtablas2
                        $arrTablasPeticion = $arrTablas1;
                        $arrTablasEnvio = $arrTablas2;
                else {
                        $arrTablasPeticion = $arrTablas2;
                        $arrTablasEnvio = $arrTablas1;                  
                foreach($arrTablasPeticion as $nombre => $codTabla) {
                        $datos = array('peticion'=>SOLICITAR_DATOS,'tabla'=> 
                        $cad .= nl2br("Solicitando la informacion de 
                        $this->error = false;
                        $resul = $this->enviarDatosRemoto(); //echo "aqui: 
$codTabla.<br />"; //verVar($resul);//$datos);
                        if ($this->error  ){
                                $cad .= "<br />$this->msg";
                        $cad .= nl2br("Agregando la informacion de $nombre en 
mi BD...\n");
//verVar($resul); exit;
                        $this->error = false;
                        $resul2 = $this->insertaBD($resul); //verlog($resul); 
                        $cad .= "$this->msg";
                        if ($this->error  and $this->codError != 
                        $cad .= "$resul2<br />";
                $cad .= "<br />";
                if (!$this->error or ($this->error and $this->codError ==
                        foreach($arrTablasEnvio as $nombre => $codTabla) { 
                                $datos = array('peticion' => ENVIAR_DATOS, 
'tabla' => $codTabla);
                                $cad .=  "Enviar datos de tabla $nombre ...<br 
                                $this->error = false; //echo "tabla=$codTabla ";
                                $resul = $this->enviarDatosRemoto(); 
                                $cad .= $this->msg; //verVar($this);
                                if ($this->error == TRUE and $this->codError !=
                                        //$cad .= "<br />$this->msg";           
                                $cad .= "$resul<br />"; //break; 
//                      }
                $this->msg = $cad; //$this->msg."<br />$cad";
                if ($this->error){
                        return false;
                return true;
/* i'm calling first to sincronizarTodo() */


[2007-10-01 09:24:49] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please provide a short but complete example script that can be used to
reproduce this.


[2007-10-01 04:46:24] apolinux at hotmail dot com

I'm working with WDDX extension, used to make RPC between two
computers, using classes to make wrapper. I have 3 basic scripts, one is
the client, other is the server and other contains the classes that
contains the scripts that interact with WDDX.
When I try to simulate the client and the server over the same machine,
I get the error zend_mm_heap corrupted in apache. When I ran the scripts
 in separate machines, it works OK.
I have PHP 5.2.4,  I had tried to run with PHP 5.2.3 but I got the same
error. I have 
Apache/2.2.4 (Win32) mod_autoindex_color PHP/5.2.4. I try to run a
debug with php, but I got it only with apache process.
the error in apache log is
[Sun Sep 30 11:20:52 2007] [notice] Child 3156: Starting thread to
listen on port 80.
zend_mm_heap corrupted
Error in my_thread_global_end(): 51 threads didn't exit
[Sun Sep 30 19:08:19 2007] [notice] Parent: child process exited with
status 1 -- Restarting.
[Sun Sep 30 19:08:38 2007] [notice] Apache/2.2.4 (Win32)
mod_autoindex_color PHP/5.2.4 configured -- resuming normal operations

Reproduce code:
        function creaPaquete($datos)
                $packet_id  = wddx_packet_start("Llamada Remota WDDX");
                if (is_array($datos)) { //verVar($datos);
                        foreach($datos as $key => $data){
                                  //create a var whith the name of the content 
of $key
                                  $$key = $data;
                else {
                        wddx_add_vars($packet_id, "datos");
                $paquete = wddx_packet_end($packet_id);// verVar($paquete);
                $paquete = urlencode($paquete);
                return $paquete;

Expected result:
this function packs the data to send over the network using CURL. The
code is too large to include here, and I'm not have a web site
permanently connected.

Actual result:
Thread 50 - System ID 1844
Entry point   msvcr71!_endthreadex+31 
Create time   30/09/2007 11:18:18 a.m. 
Time spent in user mode   0 Days 0:0:0.281 
Time spent in kernel mode   0 Days 0:0:0.93 

Function     Arg 1     Arg 2     Arg 3   Source 
php5ts!zend_mm_shutdown+116f     01b35228     000000d8     00825c3b   

php5ts!efree+39     03793678     03798138     00829e17    
php5ts!zval_ptr_dtor+4b     03798114     037981f8     03797fa0    
php5ts!zend_hash_destroy+27     03797fb8     03798204     00825c13    
php5ts!zval_dtor_func+59     03797fa0     00000000     00829e17    
php5ts!zval_ptr_dtor+23     03798204     03798228     03797f30    
php5ts!zend_hash_destroy+27     00000000     00000000     00000000    

PHP5TS!ZEND_MM_SHUTDOWN+116FWARNING - DebugDiag was not able to locate
debug symbols for php5ts.dll, so the information below may be

the assembly instruction at php5ts!zend_mm_shutdown+116f in
C:\xampp\apache\bin\php5ts.dll from The PHP Group has caused an access
violation exception (0xC0000005) when trying to read from memory
location 0x00000000 on thread 50

Module Information 
Image Name: C:\xampp\apache\bin\php5ts.dll   Symbol Type:  Export 
Base address: 0x00790000   Time Stamp:  Thu Aug 30 06:06:12 2007  
Checksum: 0x00000000   Comments:   
COM DLL: False   Company Name:  The PHP Group 
ISAPIExtension: False   File Description:  PHP Script Interpreter 
ISAPIFilter: False   File Version: 
Managed DLL: False   Internal Name:  php5ts.dll 
VB DLL: False   Legal Copyright:  Copyright © 1997-2007 The PHP Group 
Loaded Image Name:  php5ts.dll   Legal Trademarks:  PHP 
Mapped Image Name:  C:\xampp\apache\bin\php5ts.dll   Original filename:
Module name:  php5ts   Private Build:   
Single Threaded:  False   Product Name:  PHP Script Interpreter 
Module Size:  4,86 MBytes   Product Version:  5.2.4 
Symbol File Name:  php5ts.dll   Special Build:  & 

 Report for


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