ID:               30716
 Comment by:       itisben at gmail dot com
 Reported By:      jake at development dot mindvision dot com dot au
 Status:           Open
 Bug Type:         Feature/Change Request
 Operating System: Gentoo Linux (2.4.x)
 PHP Version:      5.0.1
 New Comment:

   In case anyone is still beating their head against the wall -or-
doesn't want to use eval -or- isn't sure whether or not 5.2.4 fixed this
in addition to the dynamic static method call that was supposed to be
fixed in that version - (I can't
get it to work after moving to that version, unless the little note at
the bottom means that it is 5.3).

   Anway, here it is - it requires PHP >=5 for the Reflection 
$refClass = new ReflectionClass($className);
$staticMemVal = $refClass->getStaticPropertyValue($staticMemName);

Hopefully the variable names are descriptive enough to get the general


Previous Comments:

[2005-12-21 00:23:58] jake at press dot id dot au


I havent got a copy of php infront of me, and it has been many months
since i last poked around on this issue - so apologies if i am wrong...
But i dont beleive "call_user_func()" is the solution.

... we are trying too access a static member dynamically, not a static

Such a pity, i have been successfully using a workaround along the same
lines as suggested by joscha at feth dot com for along time now, i was
hoping i could go thru and fix all of my code that is dependant on it by
now :(

I'll try and find some time too investigate this further and attempt to
fix - but i fear that will be closer to this time next year.

Jake Press


[2004-11-11 09:54:49] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

use call_user_func() for that.


[2004-11-11 09:22:32] joscha at feth dot com

After I found out, that my note (
was deleted, which I thought was not a good idea, because it is the only
way to make a static function call to a "unknown" class, I wrote a Mail
to the guy who deleted it. After a few mails we decided that the code I
wrote in the note:
print_r(eval("return $classname::getBla();"));
is completely correct and working. So I resubmitted my note, but I also
think it'd be better to allow $classname::getBla(); out-of-the-box as
the eval call is always a performance killer and it restricts the use of
the code above to examples where no user-input is in $classname.


[2004-11-09 09:27:15] k at ailis dot de

Just for info: The problem is also present in latest CVS. And even if
it is not a bug it's still a useful feature request.


[2004-11-08 05:59:14] jake at development dot mindvision dot com dot au


I feel i have a syntax bug or unclear syntax limitation.

I am trying to access static members of classes, dynamically
ie $foo = 'className'; echo $foo::$staticVariable;

For more information please see my posts on the php-generals list

Thanks in advance

Yours Sincerely
Jake Press

Reproduce code:
      // Define a class with a nice juicy static variable
   class bob {
   public static $type = 'safd';
      // Lets chuck the name of the class into a variable...
   $foo = 'bob';
      // Just to show it all works lets do it manualllllly
   echo bob::$type;
      // This is the line with the well-wicked parse error on the
double colon
   echo $foo::$type;

Expected result:

Actual result:
Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM, expecting
',' or ';' in /mnt/data0/www/twd/test.php on line 15 


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