ID:               36910
 User updated by:  arnoldvmartinez at yahoo dot com
 Reported By:      arnoldvmartinez at yahoo dot com
-Status:           No Feedback
+Status:           Open
 Bug Type:         InterBase related
 Operating System: Windows 2003
 PHP Version:      5.1.2
 New Comment:

I am surprised to receive email regarding the bug I posted about a year
ago!!! It's good to see too that another guy identified the same
Unfortunately, we never pushed Firebird in the project and switched to
mySQL instead simply because it's hard to deal with the "unknowns". And
if I would use Firebird DB, I probably would NOT use PHP.
Is it a bug or not a bug??? Obviously that's debatable. Is it a
Firebird issue or a PHP issue? I believe it's PHP's, because the issue
does not happen in other applications (like FlameRobin, Workbench,
etc.). When you commit an INSERT, it is sanely logical to see the record
in your subsequent SELECTs... if not... then it contradicts the very
principle of transaction processing. Database transactions should be an
ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) transaction ...
otherwise it cannot ensure data integrity in a networked environment,
especially in web applications. You may see this link:

Does Firebird support ACID transactions??? Absolutely!!! Otherwise no
single company would use it!

Is it a "bug" or NOT a "bug"??? In my opinion it is a bug. SELECTs are
READ operations... they are suppose to, well..., READ what's IN the
database, NOT what's in the "snapshot" or in the "cache" or any other
form of temporary storage intended to optimize execution of queries.
First and foremost, SELECTs should return accurate data at its latest
and greatest state. Returning it fast is just a secondary thing... a

You don't need to initiate a TRANSACTION to do SELECTs.. be it a single
SELECT statement or a thousand SELECT statements. Why? You're NOT
CHANGING anything in the database.. you are just READING it.  

TRANSACTIONs generally involve INSERTS, UPDATE and/or DELETE
operations. They are intended to CHANGE (NOT READ) the database, that's
why, they have to support ACID requirements. 

Do we need SELECTs INSIDE transaction blocks??? I don't see any reason
why you would want to do a SELECT while INSIDE the transaction block....
I  ALWAYS try to put them OUTSIDE the transaction block. Embedding a
SELECT statement is probably my LAST OPTION... that is, if I can't find
any other feasible way to kick that SELECT out of the transaction

Knowing the difference between SELECTs and TRANSACTIONs is very vital.
With due respect to Lars... I believe you don't NEED to have transaction
blocks if you're merely doing SELECTs because they are just READ
operations. When you do a select, you do not intend to ALTER any piece
of information in the database. Now if you need to ALTER the data, then
you are compelled to use TRANSACTIONS....ACID transactions, to ensure
and protect the integrity of data.

Previous Comments:

[2007-10-16 21:56:04] lars dot westermann at privat dot dk

This has to do with the transaction handling of Interbase/Firebird.

Taking the first example:

The first SELECT uses the default transaction (taking a "snapshot" of
the database).
Then a NEW transaction is created (unseen by the default transaction)
A record is inserted, and the transaction is closed.
The next select STILL operates on the DEFAULT transaction, which was
opened prior to the transaction, where the record was inserted -
therefore the newly inserted record is not found.

The solution is to ALWAYS use explicit transactions - and NEVER use the
default transaction.

You *might* want to fiddle with the transaction type (snapshot,
read_commited etc.) but beware, that this can have a dramtic effect on
performance on large databases.

Personally I always start a transaction - even for a single select.

This "bug" therefore isn't a bug, neither in PHP nor in Firebird.



[2006-04-27 07:26:27] kogut at kogumelo dot com dot br

I'm not the owner of this bug, but i´ve got the same problem.

In my situation, as opposed to what the manual says, changing
"$sth=ibase_query($th,$stmt)" to "$sth=ibase_query($dbh,$stmt)" just
after the "insert ... " statement and "ibase_commit($th)" to
"ibase_commit($dbh)" makes it work for me. And if i change to
"ibase_rollback($dbh)", it works fine, too.  I don´t know if it is a Php
or a Firebird bug, but that´s weird.


[2006-04-06 01:00:00] php-bugs at lists dot php dot net

No feedback was provided for this bug for over a week, so it is
being suspended automatically. If you are able to provide the
information that was originally requested, please do so and change
the status of the bug back to "Open".


[2006-03-29 13:41:32] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

And why did you decide it's a problem of PHP?
Are you able to get the expected result using some other tool?


[2006-03-29 13:08:36] arnoldvmartinez at yahoo dot com

$dbh = ibase_connect($host, $user, $password);
$stmt = 'SELECT * FROM Employees';
$sth = ibase_query($dbh, $stmt);
while ($row = ibase_fetch_object($sth)) {
       echo '<br>'.$row->EMPNAME;
$stmt='INSERT statement here...';
$sth = ibase_query($th, $stmt);
$stmt = 'SELECT * FROM Employees';
$sth = ibase_query($dbh, $stmt);
while ($row = ibase_fetch_object($sth)) {
       echo '<br>'.$row->EMPNAME;
/* new record not listed */


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