ID:               43358
 Comment by:       andrea at spacca dot org
 Reported By:      andrea dot spacca at gmail dot com
 Status:           Open
 Bug Type:         *General Issues
 Operating System: Gentoo
 PHP Version:      5.2.5
 New Comment:

here you can test the http response on our enviroment:

Previous Comments:

[2007-11-21 10:23:41] andrea at spacca dot org

from our httpd.conf:
LoadModule php5_module etc etc
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .cgi


[2007-11-21 10:13:12] andrea dot spacca at gmail dot com

When E_NOTICE or E_WARNING happen in eval'd code the script return 500
HTTP respons even on not blank pages

PS: third time i have to open the bug, 'cause [EMAIL PROTECTED] continue to
close it as bogus without wait my reply to his comments. i'll put, as
soon as possibile, a script online on our server so you could test the
behaviour on the enviroment where we reproduce the bug

Reproduce code:
    eval('$pluto = "test ".UNDEFINED_CONST." test";');

    echo 'AFTER';

Expected result:
Apache Access Log: - - [20/Nov/2007:16:09:23 +0100] "GET /testBug.cgi
200 25

Actual result:
Apache Access Log: - - [20/Nov/2007:16:09:23 +0100] "GET /testBug.cgi
500 25


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