ID:               38915
 Comment by:       olafvdspek at gmail dot com
 Reported By:      dimmoborgir at gmail dot com
 Status:           Open
 Bug Type:         Feature/Change Request
 Operating System: UNIX
 PHP Version:      5.2.2, 4.4.7
 New Comment:

Can't you use FastCGI and avoid issues like these completely?

Previous Comments:

[2007-10-07 09:33:33] Cruz at guerillamail dot com

Ran into the same problem.

I'm appalled that a bug this big isn't fixed more than a year after it
was reported.


[2007-07-29 10:48:18] antoine dot bajolet at tdf dot fr


I agree with all contributors :

It's a bunch of pain we can't launch a clean process from a PHP web

Without any technical consideration, functionally it's a real need to
numerous PHP users, and for a long time seeing those bug reports :

The only workaround whe found to obtain the result is :
- Writing something to a file to tell "hey, there is a process to
launch or stop"
- Using a cron'ed script to read the file and launch/stop the process
if it tells it.

And this poor tip is far far from satisfying us.

The last response given in 2003 was
"Given the nature of PHP's execution architecture this is not
possible/practical to implement."

But if the Apache API offers a "apr_proc_create()" function, why not
using it in mod_php ? There are some other differences between mod_php
and php-cli.



[2007-03-05 21:11:51] oliver at realtsp dot com

apart from the security considerations mentioned above the fact that
mod_php doesn't free the FDs when forking prevents us from forking

ie we cannot from a web request to mod_php fork a cli process cleanly
because it will inherit all the open FDs (ie typically port 80 & 443)
even if you use setsid() (or daemon on FreeBSD) etc..

you can see this when you...
stop apache
netstat -an | grep LISTEN

your cli process will be LISTENING to port 80 & 443. this is not only a
security risk, but it will prevent apache for restarting:

(48)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address
no listening sockets available, shutting down

I have not found any way to close these sockets as they should be
because the resource handles are not available in php. If you could at
least make these available then we could at least ensure we close them




[2007-01-04 19:25:26] anomie at users dot sf dot net

On 20 Oct 2006 9:48am UTC, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> The opened file descriptors are opened by Apache.
> It is the job of Apache to protect them, not something that
> should be reinvented in all apache modules.

If that's your position, then as far as I can tell mod_php should be
calling apr_proc_create() instead of system()/popen()/etc and
apr_pool_cleanup_for_exec() before exec(). Apache adds (or should be
adding) all the FDs that should be closed on exec to a list that those
functions make use of.

If you don't like that, then either explain (in as much detail as is
required) why that isn't Apache's method of protecting the FDs, find a
non-bogus reason for claiming this issue is not a mod_php bug, or just
fix the bug already. "Apache should just use FD_CLOEXEC" isn't a
non-bogus reason, BTW, although convincing Apache to do so and making
sure FD_CLOEXEC is supported on all platforms mod_php can possibly be
used on might be an acceptable bugfix.

I've also seen the "MTA ends up listening on port 80" issue after using
the php mail functions.


[2006-11-23 15:36:55] php at vanviegen dot net

It seems that the mail() function is suffering from the 
same problem. It is rather scary to see Apache failing to 
restart, because the MTA (exim in our case) is already 
listening on port *:80 !

More details:


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