ID:               41135
 Comment by:       chx1975 at gmail dot com
 Reported By:      rich at corephp dot co dot uk
 Status:           Assigned
 Bug Type:         PDO related
 Operating System: Windows XP SP2
 PHP Version:      5.2.1
 Assigned To:      wez
 New Comment:

I just ran Wez's test code and got 006100 so it seems I am unable to
reproduce this bug. PECL Module version => 1.0.1 $Id: pdo_sqlite.c,v 2007/03/23 14:30:00 wez Exp $

SQLite library => 3.4.2

Previous Comments:

[2008-01-22 17:21:34] maciej dot pijanka at gmail dot com

on linux, with php 5.2.5 and postgresql 8.2.5, problem is replicable
ie after last example table gets empty '' values not NULLs. I wrote
more detailed testcase. 
-- file.php --
        $db = new
catch (PDOException $error)
        echo "Error! :" . $error->getMessage();

$binarydata = "abcdefg\x00a\x00\x01\x02";

$db->exec('CREATE TABLE test (data bytea, comment varchar(64), len

$stmt = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO test VALUES ( :data, :comment, :len

# test 1, just binary data, will fail
$comment = 'Just pass binary data as bindValue';
$stmt->bindValue('data', $binarydata); 
$stmt->bindValue('comment', $comment); $stmt->bindValue('len',
var_dump($stmt->execute(), $stmt->rowCount(), $comment); print "--\n";

# pass as bindParam
$comment = 'Just pass binary data as bindParam';
$stmt->bindParam('data', &$binarydata);
$stmt->bindValue('comment', $comment); $stmt->bindValue('len',
var_dump($stmt->execute(), $stmt->rowCount(), $comment); print "--\n";

# encoded by pg_escape_bytea, wrong too
$comment = 'encoded by pg_escape_bytea';
$stmt->bindValue('data', pg_escape_bytea($binarydata));
$stmt->bindValue('comment', $comment); $stmt->bindValue('len',
var_dump($stmt->execute(), $stmt->rowCount(), $comment); print "--\n";

# pass something that give correct result
$comment = 'this one produces best result so far';
$stmt->bindValue('comment', $comment); $stmt->bindValue('len',
var_dump($stmt->execute(), $stmt->rowCount(), $comment); print "--\n";

echo "---- NOW FETCH ----\nExecute returned: ";

$stmt = $db->prepare("select * from test");

# with or without that its still wrong

print "\nFetching and comparing data\n";
# with fetchall resources don't work too
while($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
        $buffer = '';
        if(is_resource($row['data'])) {
                $buffer = stream_get_contents($row['data']);
        } else
                $buffer = $row['data'];
        print "Test `".$row['comment']."' StrCmp:";
        print "".(strcmp($binarydata,$buffer) == 0 )?"equal":"fail";
        print " length stored in db: ". $row['len'] . ", returned data
len: ".strlen($buffer)."\n";
        echo bin2hex($buffer)."\n";
$db->exec('DROP TABLE test');

== end of file ===
and output for me looks like
(only rows with results)

Fetching and comparing data
Test `Just pass binary data as bindValue' StrCmp:fail length stored in
db: 12, returned data len: 7
Test `Just pass binary data as bindParam' StrCmp:fail length stored in
db: 12, returned data len: 7
Test `encoded by pg_escape_bytea' StrCmp:fail length stored in db: 12,
returned data len: 24
Test `this one produces best result so far' StrCmp:equal length stored
in db: 12, returned data len: 12


[2007-04-21 03:28:18] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What does the following script output for you?

$db->exec('CREATE TABLE test (data blob)');

$stmt = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO test VALUES ( ? )");
$stmt->bindParam(1, $name);
$name = "\x00a\x00";
var_dump($stmt->execute(), $stmt->rowCount());

$stmt = $db->prepare("select * from test");
foreach ($stmt->fetchAll() as $row) {
    echo bin2hex($row[0]), "\n";


[2007-04-20 18:04:33] Jared dot Williams1 at ntlworld dot com

I believe it crops the data to the first \0 byte. 

The ugly workaround is not to use bound parameters ... 

$pic_data = 'X'.$db->quote(bin2hex($pic_data));

$stmt = $db->prepare('INSERT INTO Test (name, data) VALUES
$stmt->bindParam(1, $name, PDO::PARAM_STR, 60);


[2007-04-18 17:11:47] rich at corephp dot co dot uk

The one that comes in (ext/php_pdo_sqlite.dll -
274,496 bytes). Please note that both the PDO SQLite AND the SQLite
(php_sqlite.dll) extensions are loaded.


[2007-04-18 16:55:34] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Can you clarify if you're using the sqlite that comes with PHP or if
you pulled it out of a separate PECL download?


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