ID:               44094
 Updated by:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      gmsoft at gentoo dot org
-Status:           Open
+Status:           Closed
 Bug Type:         Reproducible crash
 Operating System: Linux playa #1 Fri Jan
 PHP Version:      5.2CVS-2008-02-10 (snap)
 New Comment:

This bug has been fixed in CVS.

Snapshots of the sources are packaged every three hours; this change
will be in the next snapshot. You can grab the snapshot at
Thank you for the report, and for helping us make PHP better.

Previous Comments:

[2008-02-11 22:22:07] hoffie at gentoo dot org

Ok, I narrowed it down further. The problem only occurs
  * on x86 machines (not reproducible on amd64)
  * when using gcc optimizations (-O2 for example)
  * --with-pic

So, reproduce case:
unpack a recent 5.2 snapshot (I used php5.2-200802112130)
(on x86):
export CFLAGS=-O2
./configure --disable-all --with-mysql --with-pic && make
./sapi/cli/php -r 'mysql_connect("host", "user", "pass", true);'

Omitting the forth parameter (`true') does not trigger the problem. The
values of the first three parameters doesn't matter, it segfaults even
if mysql fails to connect.

Backtrace for that concrete code snippet:
Starting program: /tmp/php5.2-200802112130/sapi/cli/php -r
mysql_connect\(\"host\",\ \"user\",\ \"pass\",\ true\)\;

Warning: mysql_connect(): Unknown MySQL server host 'host' (1) in
Command line code on line 1

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
zend_do_fcall_common_helper_SPEC (execute_data=0xbfd98bec)
    at /tmp/php5.2-200802112130/Zend/zend_vm_execute.h:205
205                     EG(current_execute_data) = execute_data;
(gdb) bt
#0  zend_do_fcall_common_helper_SPEC (execute_data=0xbfd98bec)
    at /tmp/php5.2-200802112130/Zend/zend_vm_execute.h:205
#1  0x0817fb48 in execute (op_array=0x82d3070) at
#2  0x081525b4 in zend_eval_string (
    str=0xbfd9a3d0 "mysql_connect(\"host\", \"user\", \"pass\",
true);", retval_ptr=0x0, 
    string_name=0x825a72f "Command line code")
    at /tmp/php5.2-200802112130/Zend/zend_execute_API.c:1171
#3  0x0815270b in zend_eval_string_ex (
    str=0xbfd9a3d0 "mysql_connect(\"host\", \"user\", \"pass\",
true);", retval_ptr=0x0, 
    string_name=0x825a72f "Command line code", handle_exceptions=1)
    at /tmp/php5.2-200802112130/Zend/zend_execute_API.c:1205
#4  0x081e7051 in main (argc=3, argv=0xbfd98fd4) at

Full backtrace:

I suspect that mysql is not the cause of the problem here, it rather
seems like one way to trigger that bug. We have reports from
sparc/sparc64 users for whom recent php-5.2 snapshots simply crash,
independent of the code used. Might be the same bug in the background,
who knows.


[2008-02-11 16:16:48] gmsoft at gentoo dot org

Narrowed it down. This test triggers the segfault :

php -r 'echo mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', 'password', true,


[2008-02-11 14:24:18] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you for this bug report. To properly diagnose the problem, we
need a short but complete example script to be able to reproduce
this bug ourselves. 

A proper reproducing script starts with <?php and ends with ?>,
is max. 10-20 lines long and does not require any external 
resources such as databases, etc. If the script requires a 
database to demonstrate the issue, please make sure it creates 
all necessary tables, stored procedures etc.

Please avoid embedding huge scripts into the report.


[2008-02-10 21:48:35] gmsoft at gentoo dot org

Configure Command =>  './configure'  '--prefix=/usr/lib/php5'
'--host=i686-pc-linux-gnu' '--mandir=/usr/lib/php5/man'
'--infodir=/usr/lib/php5/info' '--sysconfdir=/etc'
'--cache-file=./config.cache' '--enable-cli' '--disable-cgi'
'--without-pear' '--disable-bcmath' '--with-bz2' '--disable-calendar'
'--without-curl' '--without-curlwrappers' '--disable-dbase'
'--enable-exif' '--without-fbsql' '--without-fdftk' '--disable-filter'
'--enable-ftp' '--with-gettext' '--without-gmp' '--disable-hash'
'--disable-json' '--without-kerberos' '--enable-mbstring'
'--without-mcrypt' '--with-mhash' '--without-msql' '--without-mssql'
'--with-ncurses' '--with-openssl' '--with-openssl-dir=/usr'
'--disable-pcntl' '--disable-pdo' '--with-pgsql' '--disable-posix'
'--without-pspell' '--without-recode' '--disable-simplexml'
'--disable-shmop' '--with-snmp' '--disable-soap' '--enable-sockets'
'--without-sybase' '--without-sybase-ct' '--disable-sysvmsg'
'--disable-sysvsem' '--disable-sysvshm' '--without-tidy'
'--disable-tokenizer' '--disable-wddx' '--disable-xmlreader'
'--disable-xmlwriter' '--without-xmlrpc' '--without-xsl' '--enable-zip'
'--with-zlib' '--disable-debug' '--enable-dba' '--without-cdb'
'--with-db4' '--without-flatfile' '--with-gdbm' '--without-inifile'
'--without-qdbm' '--with-freetype-dir=/usr' '--with-t1lib=/usr'
'--disable-gd-jis-conv' '--with-jpeg-dir=/usr' '--with-png-dir=/usr'
'--without-xpm-dir' '--with-gd' '--with-imap' '--with-imap-ssl'
'--with-ldap' '--without-ldap-sasl' '--with-mysql=/usr'
'--with-mysql-sock=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' '--without-mysqli'
'--with-readline' '--without-libedit' '--without-mm' '--without-sqlite'


[2008-02-10 21:42:12] gmsoft at gentoo dot org

php crash when running cacti poller. Most probably not related to cacti
only. Previous version like 5.2.5 used to work fine.

This doesn't seem to occur if build without -O2.

Reproduce code:
This occurs when using cacti poller.php or when browsing cacti trough
apache. Didn't identified the exact code.

Actual result:
(gdb) bt
#0  0x082db06a in zend_do_fcall_common_helper_SPEC
(execute_data=0xbff54dbc) at
#1  0x082cd37a in execute (op_array=0x892b9dc) at
#2  0x082dac2b in zend_do_fcall_common_helper_SPEC
(execute_data=0xbff552ec) at
#3  0x082cd37a in execute (op_array=0x892066c) at
#4  0x082dac2b in zend_do_fcall_common_helper_SPEC
(execute_data=0xbff5559c) at
#5  0x082cd37a in execute (op_array=0x87d0268) at
#6  0x082dac2b in zend_do_fcall_common_helper_SPEC
(execute_data=0xbff564cc) at
#7  0x082cd37a in execute (op_array=0x87a57fc) at
(execute_data=0xbff57a2c) at
#9  0x082cd37a in execute (op_array=0x879a910) at
#10 0x082acb68 in zend_execute_scripts (type=8, retval=<value optimized
out>, file_count=3) at
#11 0x08265f0f in php_execute_script (primary_file=0xbff59e64) at
#12 0x0833e1ef in main (argc=2, argv=0xbff59f84) at

Full backtrace :


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