ID:               44554
 Updated by:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      vlada at mysh dot cz
-Status:           Open
+Status:           Feedback
 Bug Type:         Apache2 related
 Operating System: Debian etch
 PHP Version:      5.2.5
 Assigned To:      fb-req-jani
 New Comment:

If you have 2 servers and on one you don't have such problems and on
the other one you have, just check what the differences are in those
systems. php.ini, configure lines, compiler versions, etc.

Previous Comments:

[2008-04-02 10:13:43] vlada at mysh dot cz

So.. I've sucessfully downgraded to same glibc version as on other
server is. Than recompiled apache and php again with this older libc,
but this errors appears in log again.
Sometimes it causes 
exit signal Segmentation fault(11) and sometimes "only" exit signal
Aborted (6).

*** glibc detected *** double free or corruption (out): 0x08408b78 ***
*** glibc detected *** double free or corruption (!prev): 0x0840d220

I am sorry for bothering but I going to be quite desperate about this
problem, because I still don't know why it happens.


[2008-04-02 09:31:33] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please let us know if downgrading glibc worked. 


[2008-03-31 15:46:33] vlada at mysh dot cz

On both servers is installed Debian Etch.
First, where it works without this error is older instalation with
package libc6 version 2.3.6.ds1-13etch2.
The other, newer installation, where this error occours is libc6

I was warned before downgrading libc library, but i'll try it and than
give a feedback if it works. But many other applications relay on this
newer version of libc.

And I am using default MPM, prefork, on both.


[2008-03-31 08:03:17] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

One more question: What glibc version does this happen with and with
what it doesn't happen with? I mean, does 5.2.5 work fine with older
glibc? And what Apache MPM are you using there?


[2008-03-29 19:37:33] vlada at mysh dot cz

This configuration. I've added --enable-debug because of dbg.

./configure --with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs
--with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql  --with-mysql-sock=/tmp/mysql.sock
--with-sqlite --with-zlib --with-zlib-dir  --with-bz2  --with-gd 
--enable-gd-native-ttf  --with-jpeg-dir --with-png-dir --with-ttf
--with-freetype-dir=/usr/local --with-iconv=/usr/local 
--with-curl=/usr/local --with-gettext
--with-config-file-path=/etc/apache --enable-ftp --enable-mbstring 
--with-openssl --with-openssl-dir=/usr/include/openssl --enable-calendar
 --enable-exif --enable-sockets  --with-mcrypt
--with-mysqli=/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql_config --enable-debug


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