ID: 44908 User updated by: mike at silverorange dot com Reported By: mike at silverorange dot com Status: Open Bug Type: Streams related Operating System: Windows PHP Version: 5.2.6 New Comment:
Edit: Actual result: -------------- The _write_ array contains stdin and the _read_ array contains stdout and stderr. The stdout and stderr streams have no data ready and fread() will block indefinitely. Previous Comments: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2008-05-04 08:06:11] mike at silverorange dot com Description: ------------ When using stream_select() on pipes returned by proc_open() in Windows, input streams that are not ready are returned in the modified $read array. Reproduce code: --------------- <?php $pipes = array(); $proc = proc_open('c:/progra~1/gnu/gnupg/gpg.exe', array( 0 => array('pipe', 'r'), 1 => array('pipe', 'w'), 2 => array('pipe', 'w')), $pipes, null, $_ENV); if ($proc !== false) { $write = array($pipes[0]); $read = array($pipes[1], $pipes[2]); $except = null; $changed = stream_select($read, $write, $except, null); if ($changed) { print_r($read); print_r($write); } proc_close($proc); } ?> Expected result: ---------------- The read array will be empty and the write array will contain stdin. Actual result: -------------- The read array contains stdin and the write array contains stdout and stderr. The stdout and stderr streams have no data ready and fread() will block indefinitely. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Edit this bug report at