ID:               44984
 User updated by:  infolock at gmail dot com
 Reported By:      infolock at gmail dot com
 Status:           Open
 Bug Type:         PDO related
 Operating System: RedHat
 PHP Version:      5.2CVS-2008-05-13 (CVS)
 New Comment:

also, here is my configure command:

'./configure' '--with-apxs2=/web/apps/apache-2.2.4/bin/apxs'
'--disable-debug' '--enable-ftp' '--enable-inline-optimization'
'--enable-magic-quotes' '--enable-mbstring' '--enable-mm=shared'
'--enable-safe-mode' '--enable-track-vars' '--enable-trans-sid'
'--enable-wddx=shared' '--enable-xml' '--with-jpeg-dir=/usr/lib'
'--with-dom' '--with-gd=/usr/lib' '--with-gettext'
'--with-mysql=/web/apps/mysql-5.0.45' '--with-regex=system' '--with-xml'

Previous Comments:

[2008-05-13 21:03:36] infolock at gmail dot com

Is there a reason for having to upgrade to PHP 5.2.3?  Sorry to ask,
but the process for upgrading isn't exactly a quick process as it has to
be scheduled with the Administrator, and they'll want to have a
compelling argument as to why they should upgrade their corporate server

Don't get me wrong, I trust you 100% (thus why I'm here).  Just I have
to , as i said, give them evidence ;)


[2008-05-13 20:56:27] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Don't use PECL to install pdo_mysql and try using PHP 5.2.6.


[2008-05-13 20:45:35] infolock at gmail dot com

FYI, I am using PHP 5.2.3


[2008-05-13 20:44:11] infolock at gmail dot com

Hello all.  I've been using PHP for about 6 years now and have run into
an issue I cannot solve.

Basically, I'm trying to install PDO with MySQL support on a RedHat

I ran the following commands:
pecl install pdo
pecl install pdo_mysql

I edited the php.ini file and added the following 2 lines:

I rebooted Apache.  It shows PDO installed, but ONLY with the sqlite2
and sqlite extensions installed!!!

I then tried uninstalling pdo_mysql and running this command:
PHP_PDO_SHARED=1 pecl install pdo_mysql

rebooted Apache and the SAME PROBLEM!!!

I cannot for the life of me figure out how to fix this issue.  Has
anyone else had this issue?  It works fine for FreeBSD but for whatever
reason I can't get it to work on RedHat.  

Also, why is it that SQLite is installed?? I can't find it anywhere in
the php.ini file as being an installed extension, and yet PDO is using
it's driver by default and completely ignoring my extension.

here is what it shows in phpinfo():

PDO support     enabled
PDO drivers     sqlite2, sqlite

PDO Driver for SQLite 3.x       enabled
PECL Module version     (bundled) 1.0.1 $Id: pdo_sqlite.c,v
2007/03/23 14:30:00 wez Exp $
SQLite Library  3.3.17

Also, I tried connecting through a basic script and it reports error:
"can not find driver".

Expected result:
Shows PDO MySQL installed

Actual result:
Only shows PDO SQLite installed


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