ID:               45167
 User updated by:  peter dot bex at solide-ict dot nl
 Reported By:      peter dot bex at solide-ict dot nl
 Status:           Assigned
 Bug Type:         Date/time related
 Operating System: NetBSD/amd64
 PHP Version:      5.2.6
 Assigned To:      derick
 New Comment:

So what's type 3 then? (and what are types 1 and 2?)

Previous Comments:

[2008-06-04 11:54:31] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

date_default_timezone_set() doesn't throw an exception because it's a
procedural function. Instead, it returns false in case the
$timezone_identifier is invalid.

The identifier that I meant, is one of the Timezone Identifiers that
are documented here:


[2008-06-04 11:47:13] peter dot bex at solide-ict dot nl

Can you elaborate a bit more? Why wasn't this intended to work and what
on earth are "objects of type 3"? The "(identifiers)" note doesn't help,
since identifiers are to me names for things in a programming language
(like variable names or class name and such).

Also, shouldn't date_default_timezone_set() throw an exception in the
way that the timezone class does when you pass it an invalid timezone?
Silently ignoring the timezone and doing nothing is what caused me a lot
of frustration and confusion in tracking what was going wrong in my
script. It took me a while before I found out that this was not working
(again, it is *very* unintuitive, and IMHO it qualifies as a bug).


[2008-06-04 10:27:21] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Not really a bug, as it wasn't meant to do this for anything else than
timezone objects of type 3 (identifiers) - but that doesn't mean we
can't add it.


[2008-06-04 10:13:19] peter dot bex at solide-ict dot nl

When creating a datetime object from a string that includes timezone
offset information (like "10:00:00+02:00"), the timezone object's name
can not be used for creating new timezone objects or setting the default
timezone. In effect, it's an "impossible object": there's no way to
recreate an object like that yourself.

This also means you would get unexpected results when using, for
example, strftime(). If you use date_default_timezone_set to change the
timezone to the object's timezone and print the date info, it will give
you the wrong output.

Reproduce code:
echo "Before: ".date_default_timezone_get()."\n";
$foo = new datetime('10:00:00+02:00');
$name = $foo->getTimeZone()->getName();
echo "Setting timezone: $name\n";
echo "After: ".date_default_timezone_get()."\n";
echo "strftime: ".strftime('%H:%M:%S', $foo->format('U'))."\n";

$bar = new datetimezone($name);
echo "datetimezone object name: ".$bar->getName();

Expected result:
Before: UTC
Setting timezone: GMT+02
After: GMT+02
strftime: 10:00:00
datetimezone object name: GMT+02

(not sure if GMT+02 is the correct timezone name. In any case, it
should be some timezone name that's accepted by other timezone-related

Actual result:
Before: UTC
Setting timezone: +02:00
After: UTC
strftime: 08:00:00

PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message
'DateTimeZone::__construct(): Unknown or bad timezone (+02:00)' in


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