ID:               38051
 Comment by:       noone at nowhere dot com
 Reported By:      saurabh_barjatiya at daiict dot ac dot in
 Status:           No Feedback
 Bug Type:         *Configuration Issues
 Operating System: Fedora Core 5
 PHP Version:      5.1.4
 New Comment:

I had similar problems, I'm using MAMP.  I changed the right config
file but nothing was getting changed when I ran php.

Turned out I had a rogue copy of a php.ini file in my root
(/Volumes/Leopard) on a mac.  when the server ran it found this copy and
used IT as the config file (I guess over riding the specified config
file).  As soon as I found (!) and deleted that root copy, the correct
one was then being seen... problem solved.

Do a system wide search on php.ini and make sure there aren't any stray
copies kicking around.

Previous Comments:

[2007-02-10 22:25:46] ilyas at foxplan dot com

I had the same problem inn IIS 5.0. I noticed that IIS was picking
php.ini from c:\program files\php folder instead of c:\php where I
expected it to be.

When I changed php.ini in c:\program files\php folder, I had the
desitred result.

just check your PC incase there is another installation of php.


[2006-12-26 00:33:22] marek dot zolkowski at gmail dot com

I found an error in my php.ini file... there were 1 not necessary " in
file. Problem solved...


[2006-12-23 17:17:21] ZavPublic at mac dot com

I believe this is fixed in PHP 5.1.6


[2006-12-21 18:02:24] marek dot zolkowski at gmail dot com

I've got the same problem:
any changes in section File Uploads has no effect
(upload_max_filesize and upload_tmp_dir)

I'm using php 5.2.0-8 in apache-ssl on Debian.

It happens after upgreading php from php4 to php5. Before this upgrade
I could upload larger files and there was everything ok...

Can anyone help me?


[2006-11-06 17:00:42] zavpublic at mac dot com

Same issue for me in 5.1.4
Using php 5.1.4 in MAMP on a Quad G5 under Mac OS X 10.4.8.


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