ID:               45361
 User updated by:  ssruprai at hotmail dot com
 Reported By:      ssruprai at hotmail dot com
 Status:           Bogus
 Bug Type:         IIS related
 Operating System: Windows 2003, XP
 PHP Version:      5.2.6
 New Comment:

I think I have found what is causing this double post. It is a sapce
between Location: and the url.

Instead of 



should be used to avoid this double posting.

This seems to have solved the problem.

Previous Comments:

[2008-07-02 12:25:44] ssruprai at hotmail dot com

Whatever it is, I am just reporting the problem because it is php
header function which is creating this problem.

I think you should test it yourself as I have provided the code to
reproduce. Most of the people use IE although PHP is rarely used on

I think this needs to be solved as it is very common to self post and


[2008-07-02 11:37:48] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"It works with firefox, Apache / PHP combination.
It works with IE / Apache / PHP combination"

So it's IIS vs. IE bug. Not PHP problem -> bogus.


[2008-07-01 11:12:54] ssruprai at hotmail dot com

The production server is a fast cgi windows 2003. Behavior is same.


[2008-07-01 09:53:27] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Instead of using the (buggy) ISAPI module, use the fastcgi approach
instead (supported/preferred also by Microsoft themselves!).


[2008-06-25 22:26:46] ssruprai at hotmail dot com

I am facing a strange problem of IE double posting in case of self
post.  PHP 5.2.6 / IIS 5.1 on windows XP.
Before starting I must tell you that:
It works with firefox, Apache / PHP combination.
It works with IE / Apache / PHP combination
It works with firefox / IIS / PHP Combination
But it DOES NOT work with  IE/PHP/ IIS
 This seems to be the case case with all IE versions (specially IE 6)
and it happens on even the windows 2003 server.
 I have a form with just one field which uploads a single file and
posts  back to same PHP file. The file is a csv file and it is properly
read and inserted into database. After it is successfully inserted I
issue a redirect to some other page using
header("Location:other_page.php"). When the header is executed the form
is posted again.

I know that it was posted twice because when I see the database the
records are inserted twice.

I am not sure if it is IIS, PHP or IE Problem.
This is not the first time I have experienced this. I had earlier faced
the similar double post problem in case of self post (WITHOUT USING
REDIRECT header but this seems to have been resolved with latest php
ISAPI version. At that time I just switched to apache as most hosting
servers were linux and there was no problem). 

But now the problem is that production server is Windows 2003 server
with IIS. (The version of PHP IIS or windows shouldn't not matter

My application is using all sorts of libraries, from pear db, quickform
smarty so I have just created a simple upload form . Which does nothing
but logs the access to find out about double 

I had tried many different php versions and all produced same result. I
have created a simple form for testing. If you'll upload a small text
file you'll see 
that there are two entries in log file for one access.

The platform to test is IIS (ISAPI) php 5 and Internet explorer 6.  (IE
may not post values twice but it will display some page not found

Reproduce code:
set_time_limit ( 300); 

if (@$_POST['submitted'] == 'yes')
        $csv_file = $_FILES['csv_file'];
        if ($csv_file['size'] > 0)
                $fp = fopen('access.txt', 'a');
                fwrite($fp, 'Accessed at '. date('d-m-y H:i:s u'). "\r\n");
                /* if instead of above header, javascript redirect is used then 
it is
not posted twice */
                /*echo "<script language='javascript'>\n";
                echo "location.replace('');\n";
                echo "</script>";*/
        else if ($csv_file['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE ||
$csv_file['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE)
                $error = "File size exceeds max allowed size of whatever";
                $error = "There was error in uploading your file.";


if (isset($error))
        echo "<B>$error</B>";
<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" type="hidden" value="5242880" />
<input type="file" name="csv_file" />
<input type="hidden" name="submitted" value="yes" />
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />


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