ID:               45448
 User updated by:  jowie dot 1337+phpnet at gmail dot com
 Reported By:      jowie dot 1337+phpnet at gmail dot com
-Status:           Feedback
+Status:           Open
 Bug Type:         Apache2 related
 Operating System: Windows XP Service Pack 1
 PHP Version:      5.2.6
 New Comment:

Using the same httpd.conf as in my post from [14 Jul 5:57pm UTC]
(besides the addition of an access log), my log file shows the

[Tue Jul 15 20:53:04 2008] [notice] Apache/2.2.9 (Win32) PHP/5.2.6
configured -- resuming normal operations
[Tue Jul 15 20:53:04 2008] [notice] Server built: Jun 13 2008 04:04:59
[Tue Jul 15 20:53:04 2008] [notice] Parent: Created child process 2692
[Tue Jul 15 20:53:04 2008] [debug] mpm_winnt.c(487): Parent: Sent the
scoreboard to the child
[Tue Jul 15 20:53:04 2008] [notice] Child 2692: Child process is
[Tue Jul 15 20:53:04 2008] [info] Parent: Duplicating socket 200 and
sending it to child process 2692
[Tue Jul 15 20:53:04 2008] [debug] mpm_winnt.c(408): Child 2692:
Retrieved our scoreboard from the parent.
[Tue Jul 15 20:53:04 2008] [debug] mpm_winnt.c(605): Parent: Sent 1
listeners to child 2692
[Tue Jul 15 20:53:04 2008] [debug] mpm_winnt.c(564): Child 2692:
retrieved 1 listeners from parent
[Tue Jul 15 20:53:04 2008] [notice] Child 2692: Acquired the start
[Tue Jul 15 20:53:04 2008] [notice] Child 2692: Starting 64 worker
[Tue Jul 15 20:53:04 2008] [notice] Child 2692: Starting thread to
listen on port 80.
== I visit test.php once, document is cut off ==

== Access log shows: == - - [15/Jul/2008:20:53:08] "GET /test.php HTTP/1.1" 200
14385 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.9)
Gecko/2008052906 Firefox/3.0"

== I stop the apache service ==
[Tue Jul 15 20:53:15 2008] [notice] Parent: Received shutdown signal --
Shutting down the server.
[Tue Jul 15 20:53:15 2008] [notice] Child 2692: Exit event signaled.
Child process is ending.
[Tue Jul 15 20:53:16 2008] [info] Child 2692: Accept thread exiting.
[Tue Jul 15 20:53:16 2008] [notice] Child 2692: Released the start
[Tue Jul 15 20:53:16 2008] [info] Child 2692: 64 threads blocked on the
completion port
[Tue Jul 15 20:53:17 2008] [notice] Child 2692: All worker threads have
[Tue Jul 15 20:53:17 2008] [notice] Child 2692: Child process is
[Tue Jul 15 20:53:17 2008] [notice] Parent: Child process exited
[Tue Jul 15 20:53:17 2008] [info] removed PID file C:/Program
Files/Apache2.2/logs/ (pid=3064)

PHP log file is empty.
apache.exe does not crash, I verified this by running httpd.exe from
the command line instead of a service

Previous Comments:

[2008-07-14 20:53:37] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Are you sure there's actually something crashing there? Nothing in
Apache logs or wherever those are in Windows..?


[2008-07-14 19:42:51] jowie dot 1337+phpnet at gmail dot com

It may be worth noting that everything is fine when I run a php script
of the console using "php.exe test.php".


[2008-07-14 19:39:03] jowie dot 1337+phpnet at gmail dot com

Bug still occurs. I used the same httpd.conf as in my previous post
([14 Jul 5:57pm UTC])

phpinfo() tells me 
Loaded Configuration File: (none)


[2008-07-14 18:22:24] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Try without any php.ini file anywhere in your system (check phpinfo()
that nothing is loaded!)


[2008-07-14 17:57:06] jowie dot 1337+phpnet at gmail dot com

I just tried it without ANY module loaded EXCEPT mod_mime, the bug
still appeared.

Nothing abnormal in error.log

This is the httpd.conf I used for this test:

ServerRoot "C:/Program Files/Apache2.2"
Listen 80
ServerName removed.removed
DocumentRoot "D:/Test"

<Directory "D:/Test">
    Options None
    AllowOverride None

ErrorLog "logs/error.log"
LogLevel debug
LoadModule mime_module modules/
DefaultType text/plain
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
PHPIniDir "C:/Program Files/PHP 5/"
LoadModule php5_module "C:/Program Files/PHP 5/php5apache2_2.dll"


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