ID:               45614
 Updated by:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      robin_fernandes at uk dot ibm dot com
-Status:           Open
+Status:           Closed
 Bug Type:         SPL related
 Operating System: all
 PHP Version:      5.3CVS-2008-07-24 (CVS)
 New Comment:

This bug has been fixed in CVS.

Snapshots of the sources are packaged every three hours; this change
will be in the next snapshot. You can grab the snapshot at
Thank you for the report, and for helping us make PHP better.

Fixed, thanks for the patch.

Previous Comments:

[2008-07-24 12:50:35] robin_fernandes at uk dot ibm dot com

If the first property of a class is private and an instance of that
class is wrapped by ArrayIterator, that first private property may be
exposed by ArrayIterator::current() and ArrayIterator::key().
Specifically, this occurs when: 
 - current() and key() are called right after obtaining the iterator
from ArrayObject::getIterator(), OR
 - current() and key() are called right after the iterator position was
reset due to the current position becoming invalid.

In the reproduce code below, notice how the iterator behaves
differently depending on how it was returned to its starting position.

This issue affects snaps from 5_2, 5_3 and HEAD.
It can be fixed with some extra calls to spl_array_skip_protected() in
Proposed patch against 5_3:

Reproduce code:
class C {
        private $priv1 = 'secret1';
        private $priv2 = 'secret2';
        public $pub1 = 'public1';
        public $pub2 = 'public2';
        public $pub3 = 'public3';

function showFirstTwoItems($it) {
  echo str_replace("\0", '\0', $it->key()) . " => " . $it->current() .
  echo str_replace("\0", '\0', $it->key()) . " => " . $it->current() .

$ao = new ArrayObject(new C);
$ai = $ao->getIterator();

echo "--> Show the first two items:\n";

echo "\n--> Rewind and show the first two items:\n";

echo "\n--> Invalidate current position and show the first two

Expected result:
--> Show the first two items:
pub1 => public1
pub2 => public2

--> Rewind and show the first two items:
pub1 => public1
pub2 => public2

--> Invalidate current position and show the first two items:
pub1 => public1
pub3 => public3

Actual result:
--> Show the first two items:
\0C\0priv1 => secret1
pub1 => public1

--> Rewind and show the first two items:
pub1 => public1
pub2 => public2

--> Invalidate current position and show the first two items:
\0C\0priv1 => secret1
pub1 => public1


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