ID:               9852
 Comment by:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Status:           Closed
 Bug Type:         IIS related
 Operating System: Windows 2000
 PHP Version:      4.2.1
 New Comment:


As previously posted, a client of ours installed our PHP application
and had CGI errors like crazy. They installed MDAC 2.7 and MS02-009 and
fixed the problem.

We recently were able to convince them to try a test for us (because
their machine is three times faster than anything we have!).

We had them change their Performance Options from "Background services"
to "Application"

Set back the Performance Options to "Background services". RESULT: NO

Scott is really onto something here. There is no question these errors
are directly related to Performance Options and the priviledges
associated with this setting. It's very interesting that IIS doesn't
even get to the point of launching PHP in Scott's tests.

I want to do some testing with running the IIS slot as an
Administrator. I will post my findings.


Previous Comments:

[2002-09-24 20:46:08] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi All,
I installed the patch for Q318089 (MS02-009) and the error still

It's also interesting to note that after running IRIS (network packet
sniffer) it seems that IIS is not even launching PHP since the header
"X-Powered-By: PHP/4.2.3" does not show up.

I can only guess in that something with IIS/PHP/MSSQL connectivity, the
PHP executable (child handles/threads) are being locked in use which
prevents PHP from launching, however a local administrator on the box
has sufficient priviledges to over-ride these locks and PHP is

-- Packet from IRIS --
GET /image_viewer.php?strPhotoID=99cBiFieBDiBaHBHcBac&strThumb=1
Accept: */*
Referer: http://website/test.php
Accept-Language: en-au
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1;
Host: website
Connection: Keep-Alive
Cookie: PHPSESSID=b3cfba912345ad3043a08bd6d6faf16d

HTTP/1.1 502 Gateway Error
Server: Microsoft-IIS/5.0
Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 01:18:12 GMT
Connection: close
Content-Length: 215
Content-Type: text/html

<head><title>Error in CGI Application</title></head>
<body><h1>CGI Error</h1>The specified CGI application misbehaved by not
returning a complete set of HTTP headers.  The headers it did return



[2002-09-24 20:05:43] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

After some further testing on this PHP bug, I'll have to claim my
previous comment about upgrading MDAC to be a bit of a Red Herring.

However, my comment about running the IIS slot as an Administrator is
still valid, it seems that when the scripts are being executed as an
administrator (either by setting the anonymous IUSR to be an
administrator or removing anonymous access and authenticating with an
administrator account), this bug didn't occur in the 200 or so requests
that I made to the server yet when I drop the slot back to being run as
the IUSR it fails immediately.

The bug now seems to be not related to a Header redirect since I can
replicate it almost every time without fail by browsing to one of my
plain HTML pages which loads approximately 30 images by using a PHP
script to produce the image.  A database connection is created in that
image script as it lookups the image's ID (a random 15 character
string) which maps it to the physical location of the image.

I have tried to throttle the bandwidth setting as mentioned earlier but
with no success.

I have also been seeing these "Application Popup Errors" at the same
time that the PHP script returns its CGI Header error.  This popups
occur on the console and are exactly the same each time, they consist

Title Bar: php.exe - Application Error

The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000142).  Click OK
to terminate the application

Server Information:
512Mb RAM
Win2000 Server (SP3), IIS5
IIS is configured to run as a host header server.

Unfortunately in my circumstances, it prevents the company I work for
the ability to allow our clients to use PHP on our live web servers
until this bug is fixed up.  If this bug can be re-opened and looked
into, I'm sure we would all be very grateful for it.



[2002-08-28 13:59:31] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

A few notes to add to the above comment. Our client does not have the
Performance Option set to foreground. The CGI error doesn't happen any
more thanks to either MDAC 2.7 or MS02-009. Wish I knew which of the
two fixed the CGI errors


[2002-08-28 13:52:53] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I agree with Scott. PHP should be made to work with enterprise
products. Even if the problem is not PHP's fault we still need to know
exactly what causes it.

It's very interesting that when Scott sets Performance Options to
forground it solves his CGI error completely. It's even more
interesting that MDAC 2.7 doesn't help him. 

This is our latest experience with a client who just installed our PHP

Client System Configuration:
1.4 GIG processor, M$ 2000 Server, IIS, PHP, M$ SQL Server.

Client installed our application. CGI errors out the ying-yang (this
error happens more frequently on a machine with a fast processor). Told
Client to install MDAC 2.7 RTM. Unfortunately (or fortunately depending
on how you look at it), the client also decided to install this patch
at the same time:

So, we've found some new, interesting information from Micro$oft:
"Incorrect VBScript Handling in IE can Allow Web Pages to Read Local

Micro$oft also talks about third party scripting languages:
"... Microsoft has become aware of a handful of third-party
applications that depend on unforeseen behavior in VBScript that this
patch disables."

So good news and bad news. Bad news: We don't know if MDAC 2.7 fixed
our clients CGI erros or if the MS02-009 fixed it.
Good news: we've found yet another possible solution (MS02-009)

If anyone has a really fast machine out there maybe they can test this
MS02-009 fix. Please post your findings here.



[2002-08-28 02:28:14] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi all,

As a followup a few weeks later, I can confirm that setting the server
performance to optimise for 'Forground Applications' solves the CGI
Error problem completely.

My guess is that PHP is launched as a CGI in user space (owned by
IUSR_*), so tuning the server this way gives it more processing time.  
 I guess the MSSQL module likes it this way.

I have also had emails from others asking for assistance on this, and
have had positive feedback from them that it fixed their problem, too.



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