ID:               28038
 Comment by:       alexcomboy at hotmail dot co dot uk
 Reported By:      jordi at jcanals dot net
 Status:           Open
 Bug Type:         Mail related
 Operating System: win32 only
 PHP Version:      5CVS, 6CVS (2008-10-24)
 New Comment:

It does not work with this either:
Windows XP SP2 or SP3, IIS 5.1, PHP 5.2.8

Previous Comments:

[2009-01-19 21:20:39] abba000 at o2 dot pl

4 years have passed and nothing... What the hell? This is really
important! Anybody knows how to fix it?


[2009-01-12 11:49:18] julioworld at hotmail dot com

I also had this problem and I solved it by adding this line in the
php.ini in the section [mail function]:

[mail function]
sendmail_from =


[2009-01-06 19:41:42] ghooey at gmail dot com

Unlike with a linux server the email address in
ini_set('sendmail_from', '; has to be a valid email


[2008-12-10 19:46:45] jordi at jcanals dot net

You did not understand where the bug is (or was). We pass the proper
headers exactly the same in any platform. PHP mail layer change them to
the wrong format, by adding extra signs.

What you say we have to consider, Is what we are doing. Read carefully
the bug description, the headers sent to PHP mail function, and the
headers sent by the mail layer to the mail server.


[2008-12-10 18:02:32] webmaster at cjr3 dot com

This so-called "bug" isn't so much a bug considering you should pass
the headers correctly (as you always should).

Consider the following:

Content-Type: text/html
From: Someone <some...@somewhere.tld>
Reply-To: Someone <some...@somewhere.tld>

As Windows (and other Microsoft products do) follows standards so
strict that at times can aggravate developers who are used to using
libraries fixing their mistakes for them, you'll need to pass proper
information for it to work properly.

The "work around" shouldn't be used because you're still modifying
PHP's intentions, which you shouldn't be doing unless absolutely

Furthermore, you do not have to use <Name<>> or <Name
<n...@whatever.there>> for it to work (in fact, this does work, but it
does cut off after the first '>' and makes your name look stupid in the
"from" for the email.


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