ID:               48260
 Comment by:       p dot tipper at lancaster dot ac dot uk
 Reported By:      p dot tipper at lancaster dot ac dot uk
 Status:           Open
 Bug Type:         Apache2 related
 Operating System: Debian GNU/Linux 5.0.1
 PHP Version:      5.3CVS-2009-05-13 (snap)
 New Comment:

Warning, URLs have gotten wrapped in bug report:




Previous Comments:

[2009-05-13 11:41:57] p dot tipper at lancaster dot ac dot uk

When doing an #include virtual of a php file this seems to change to an
include() call (and thus hit basedir restrictions) when the base PHP
file reaches a certain size.  Also connected with this behaviour is
sub-virtual requests also stop working.  This seems baffling as this
behaviour should occur purely in Apache.  Use of virtual() seems to also
trigger this bug.

Reproduce code:
This URL works normally:

This URL demonstrates the bug:

To see how this is affected by setting
open_basedir="/usr/local/lib/php:/tmp:." then check these URLs:



The "?amount=N" adds more output lines to the main PHP file thus
changing its size in an easy manner.

All code available from

Expected result:
The #include virtual (or virtual()) data should continue to behave as
normal, and shouldn't fall foul of basedir restrictions.  The following
block should always appear at the top of the output:

This is an included file /~tipper/include/subdir/test.php
Request was /~tipper/include/base/index.php?amount=200
This is an included file /~tipper/include/subdir/test2.php
Request was /~tipper/include/base/index.php?amount=200
End of included file /~tipper/include/subdir/test2.php
End of included file /~tipper/include/subdir/test.php

(Where 200 will be whatever number you set for amount= )

Actual result:
Once the amount goes above about 340 lines this seems to be the output

This is an included file /~tipper/include/base/index.php
Request was /~tipper/include/base/index.php?amount=350
End of included file /~tipper/include/base/index.php

If you try this with open_basedir set to "/usr/local/lib/php:/tmp:."
you get the following error (from

Warning: main() [function.main]: open_basedir restriction in effect.
File(/home/tipper/public_html/include/subdir/test.php) is not within the
allowed path(s): (/usr/local/lib/php:/tmp:.) in
/home/tipper/public_html/include/base/index.php on line 30

Warning: main(/home/tipper/public_html/include/subdir/test.php)
[function.main]: failed to open stream: Operation not permitted in
/home/tipper/public_html/include/base/index.php on line 30

Warning: main() [function.include]: Failed opening
'/home/tipper/public_html/include/subdir/test.php' for inclusion
(include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in
/home/tipper/public_html/include/base/index.php on line 30


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