ID:               33500
 Comment by:       hmandel at learningbygrace dot org
 Reported By:      ed2019 at columbia dot edu
 Status:           Assigned
 Bug Type:         Feature/Change Request
 Operating System: *
 PHP Version:      5.2.9
 Assigned To:      pajoye
 New Comment:

While you guys are debating whether this is a bug or a feature request
our coders here are still stuck at the end of developing some web apps
because PHP and Exchange will not "exchange"... Damn it Jim, we can't
get our emails off the Exchange server.:~)

So since I can see you have all this expertise and are fully aware of
the bug/feature request, I'd like to hire one of you to make this change
and customize our darn PHP code so these guys (PHP and Exchange) can
make up and talk again. 

ANyone up to it. I'll hire you so long as you REALLY can solve the
problem and also I will not discriminate between those who believe this
is a Feature Request and those who call i a Bug... we are equal
opportunity here at Learning By Grace. My contact info is hmandel at
learningbygrace dot org. Cell is two67-two49-five one67.

Any takers?

Previous Comments:

[2009-04-27 18:42:40]

ok, I was looking at mail_auth*. Then it should be possible to do it, I
move the status to feature request (leaving it in the imap category but
assigned to me, I will setup GSSAPI in my test exchange server box to
valid the changes).

Thanks for all the referecences, it will make the implementation


[2009-04-27 17:31:15] ed2019 at columbia dot edu

pajoye - You're the one with the power to declare whether it's a bug or
not.  Since we disagree on this point, either I don't know what a bug is
(entirely possible) or myself & the others commenting on this situation
via the bug reporter have done a poor job of explaining to you what the
situation is.

To answer the included questions:

"It could be a feature request but I do not see either how to you can
force c-client to use a given authentication method. I suppose you know

Yes, you can force c-client to use / not use a particular
authentication method.  Please see this series of e-mail messages:

"now, about your proposal: 1) why don't you try?"

I did discuss the issue with Crispin, please see this exchange of
e-mail messages:

Notably his response:
"I agree that c-client should try the other authentication method, but
perhaps my definition of "should" is different.  I don't mean "should"
as in "should be fixed to"; I mean "should" as "it does already." I
believe that the problem is in how PHP uses c-client. "

More questions:

"2) and 3) are the same and I don't see how it could be possible. No
other clients using c-client allow that either"

For an example of an IMAP client, which uses c-client, and yet can
attach to IMAP servers which advertise multiple authentication
mechanisms please see Alpine ( )

Here is a psudeo-psudeo-code examples of how it could be possible.  I'm
not a strong c-coder so I leave the actual implementation to the

* Add another optional arugment to the end of imap_open(), for


where: NEW_ARGUMENT is one or more, comma separated, of the following:
GSSAPI, PLAIN, CRAM_MD5, etc (all the auth methods which c-client

Then, before a connection is attempted, the mail_parameters thing is
set (as appears in Crispin's e-mail from 4/4/2008):

mail_parameters (NIL,DISABLE_AUTHENTICATOR,(void *) "GSSAPI");

Again, I'm not a c-coder nor familiar with the code of imap_open, but
that's at least one way to go about it.


[2009-04-27 16:43:47]

There is no bug regarding this problem in php, like it or not.

It could be a feature request but I do not see either how to you can
force c-client to use a given authentication method. I suppose you know

now, about your proposal:

 1) why don't you try?
 2) and 3) are the same and I don't see how it could be possible. No
other clients using c-client allow that either


[2009-04-27 16:09:36] ed2019 at columbia dot edu

Hi again-
     In response to the reference to Joe's comment on the red hat bug
list about how the c-client code stops retrying, my response is  - so
what?  Many other applications built on top of c-client manage to
authenticate via IMAP / PLAIN to these same servers.  The key is that
c-client already includes a mechanism for connecting to a server with
multiple advertised methods - you can give it an argument and tell it
which one to use.
     There are at least three ways to "fix" this bug:

1) Convince Mark Crispin (c-client's author) to modify c-client so that
it tries all the advertised authentication methods.  I.e. proclaim that
it's not a PHP bug, that instead the library should be changed to work
with imap_open's flaws.
2) Add an argument/flag/option to imap_open so that the programmer can
specify the authentication method to try.  I.e. Give the PHP developer
access to more of the working functionality of the underlying library.

3) Modify PHP's imap_open() so that it will try multiple authentication

     I understand that deciding that #1 is the "right answer" carries
with it the additional benefit that no one needs to admit that this is a
PHP bug.  However, it's a bit ridiculous considering all of the other
applications which depend on c-client and can handle authenticating to
these servers.  Please review like-minded comments from at least 5 other
persons on this bug.
     I whole-heartedly encourage the maintainer to re-designate this as
a real bug.


[2009-04-27 15:54:06] ed2019 at columbia dot edu

     I was the original submitter of this bug four years ago, but I
felt I should write to clear up a little confusion which has popped up
from pajoye at .
     Mark Crispin's c-client (which is the library underlying PHP's
IMAP stuff) can authenticate to IMAP servers using various methods,
including but not limited to PLAIN and GSSAPI.  You can specify when
calling the c-client library which authentication method to use.  When
you're going to authenticate with kerberos/GSSAPI, you would provide a
certain set of client credentials.  When you want to authenticate with
PLAIN, you provide a different set of credentials (namely, username and
     The problem with PHP's imap_open() is that it does not allow you
to specify which of these authentication methods to use, nor does it
guess correctly from the credentials you provide it.  The setup, as I
encountered it, is/was:

1) Your code wants to authenticate to an IMAP server with a username &
password.  These credentials are appropriate for PLAIN authentication.

2) You call imap_open() and pass it the username & password.

3) imap_open() (through c-client) contacts the server attempts to
authenticate via GSSAPI, which fails.  imap_open() then gives up.

     So, the bug in this case is that imap_open needs an argument of
some sort which tells it NOT to try using GSSAPI, and instead to try
using PLAIN authentication.  Perhaps something like [authmethod ={PLAIN
|| GSSAPI || ...}] , which would then be passed through to the c-client
     Make no mistake about it, there is no way around this bug with
PHP's broken imap_open().  If you have an imap server which advertises
both authentication methods, there is no way to authenticate to that
server with the PLAIN method - even though the server is configured
correctly, and the underlying c-client IMAP library supports it. 
imap_open() is not tickling the c-client library correctly to get the
proper result.


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