From:             nicky_l at hotmail dot fr
Operating system: Windows XP Pro SP3
PHP version:      5.2.9
PHP Bug Type:     Apache2 related
Bug description:  PHP doesn't read the configurations propertly


I am encountering exactly the same problems as those mentionned below by
rafael dot amador at gmail dot com
exept that I am using an APACHE 2.2 server.

So.... UP please.
If anyone in the team or any experimented developer here has got any idea
of how to deal with this issue, will much apperciated

Thanks inn advance

[26 Jun 2006 6:30pm UTC] rafael dot amador at gmail dot com

in IIS 5.1, PHP ISAPI Module and .Net framework 2.0 installed, following
instructions from install.php, PHP doesn't read the options in file

if i put php.ini in c:\php\ (the webserver init php but you can't
configure any option, php don't load any modules and in phpinfo() page
you look strange values)

 Configuration File (php.ini) Path: "C:\WINDOWS" must be

extension_dir:  "C:\php5"       "C:\php5" in phpinfo()
in php.ini the value is: extension_dir = ""c:/php/ext/"

i've PATH pointing to c:\php\, my document_root is well configured

and i put php.ini in other place php shows message "No input file

i'm experimenting the Bug #37843
and other bug (if you put php5isapi.dll in ISAPI Filters when you
shutdown the server ISS crash allways)

Reproduce code:

Expected result:
that my changes to php.ini are reflected in phpinfo()

Actual result:
php shows strange parameter configurations (i can't load any module) 

[26 Jun 2006 6:46pm UTC]

Did you add c:\php to your PATH environment variable?

[26 Jun 2006 6:50pm UTC] rafael dot amador at gmail dot com

yeah sure i've checked the PATH enviroment variable and c:\php is

[26 Jun 2006 6:52pm UTC]

And did you reboot after that?

[26 Jun 2006 6:54pm UTC] rafael dot amador at gmail dot com

sure i followed all instructions

[26 Jun 2006 9:09pm UTC] rafael dot amador at gmail dot com

i rebooted my server and again i've the same result

[27 Jun 2006 2:16am UTC] rafael dot amador at gmail dot com

i configured the php file with the registry entry pointing to it and
didn't work but if i comment the doc_root option in php.ini all works

a couple of questions come to me now:

why the windows PATH method doesn't works?

why the registry method works only with doc_root disabled?

i saw a lot of bugs that have similar behavior. check this beacuse if
isn't a bug then isn't documentated.

[27 Sep 2006 7:25am UTC] mcloudteo at hotmail dot com

Do this:

     * Go to Control Panel and open the System icon (Start -> Settings
       Control Panel -> System, or just Start -> Control Panel ->
       for Windows XP/2003)
     * Go to the Advanced tab
     * Click on the 'Environment Variables' button
     * Look into the 'System variables' pane
     * Click on 'New' and enter 'PHPRC' as the variable name and the
       directory where php.ini is located as the variable value (e.g.
     * Press OK and restart your computer

[22 Oct 2006 8:45pm UTC] rafael dot amador at gmail dot com

i've perfectly told that any other method works, with this statement i
mean any other method DOESN'T WORK. and  by the way i'm reporting a BUG
i've a work arround but the bug still remains in the code. 

i've solved this with the register method now i've my server working
with this method but the point here is that the PATH method doesn't work

i've spend a lot of time reporting this bug and following the progress
of it. i'm waiting that anyone there (Zend-PHP developer staff) take
this seriously don't give me a pretext to close this bug. This danm bug
is giving headaches to more than a couple of IT admins. 

i'm very annoyed about the response time showing a profesionless
attitude ... sorry guys but it's the truth

[16 Apr 2007 8:12pm UTC]

It's not quite clear what does not work for you:

a) Are you able to run PHP scripts at all?
b) Does removing 'doc_root' setting from php.ini really fix this?
c) How about running PHP as FastCGI? (I prefer this myself, running PHP
as module is so 90's :)

[16 Apr 2007 9:08pm UTC] rafael dot amador at gmail dot com


the point here that using ISAPI module in IIS and trying to use the Path
method to configure the module, makes that PHP doesn't recognize
propertly the php.ini path and its configuration that situation makes
that php doesn't load any additional modules including mysqli and any

becoming any php script in a useless piece of code... stills run but is
not capable to call any functions of any module...

i hope that this explanation make you clear what i'm reporting here...

response to the questions

a) with the specified conditions, yes, but without any configuration
available no additional modules, php scripts become useless with this

b) yes , in addition with windows registry php configuration method.
verified in 3 servers.

c) i think that running php in FastCGI must works, but exists another
anoying bug related with CGI and IIS that doesn't permit to write a
cookie ... but this bug is from Microsoft.

[9 Jul 2007 12:10pm UTC]

Please try using this CVS snapshot:
For Windows (zip):

For Windows (installer):

Again, try the snapshot. I added the actual php.ini file in use to be
shown with phpinfo() output, so check that after installing the

[20 Jul 2007 12:44pm UTC] rafael dot amador at gmail dot com

I've tested the last snapshot and the bug is present but now phpinfo
shows a bit different result since the 1st time.

i can't run any modules. Again 

notice the output of my phpinfo(), maybe this can give you a clue about
what's happening.

PHP Core

Directive      Local Value     Master Value   | And should be ...
doc_root       no value        no value       | "c:\inetpub\wwwroot"
extension_dir  C:\php5         C:\php5        | "c:\php\ext"

PHP Variables
Variable                   Value
_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] = "c:\inetpub\wwwroot"
_ENV["Path"] =
"C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\Archivos de

Output from phpinfo()

[22 Jul 2007 11:26pm UTC]

What does phpinfo() have in the "Loaded configuration file" section?
And above that, what does it have the path set to?

[23 Jul 2007 12:22pm UTC] rafael dot amador at gmail dot com

As you requested ...

Configuration File (php.ini) Path    C:\WINDOWS
Loaded Configuration File            (none)

[24 Jul 2007 12:04pm UTC]

Misconfiguration of your system is not any bug in PHP..

[24 Jul 2007 9:49pm UTC] rafael dot amador at gmail dot com

... i followed every instruction in Install.txt then iit's not my fault
is a bug ... install IIS and Install PHP and check it ... you are
flaging wrong this bug ...

[24 Jul 2007 9:53pm UTC] rafael dot amador at gmail dot com

how can be that in the phpinfo shows me two diferents setting  ....

Configuration File (php.ini) Path    C:\WINDOWS
Loaded Configuration File            (none)


_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] = "c:\inetpub\wwwroot"
_ENV["Path"] =
"C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\Archivos de

ehhh ????

i added the path how is specified in the install text or modify your
install instruction to SHOW EXACTLY how you need to config your system
to use PATH setting in PHP or fix this bug ...

[1 Dec 2008 1:28pm UTC] rafael dot amador at gmail dot com

THIS BUGS ISN'T FIXED... WHY YOU GUYS TRY to understand the bug ... this
is anoting .... in the current version the PROBLEM YET Occurs

[1 Dec 2008 1:31pm UTC] rafael dot amador at gmail dot com

i invite everyona that sufred from this bug post a comment to express
the problem and vote i hope that the php team resolve this bug. 

This bug is more than 3 years old and PHP team has flagged it as "BOGUS"
as a quickly way to discard it and not to resolve it as should be

Edit bug report at
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 5.2):
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 5.3):
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 6.0):
Fixed in CVS:               
Fixed in CVS and need be documented:
Fixed in release:           
Need backtrace:             
Need Reproduce Script:      
Try newer version:          
Not developer issue:        
Expected behavior:          
Not enough info:            
Submitted twice:            
PHP 4 support discontinued:
Daylight Savings:          
IIS Stability:              
Install GNU Sed:            
Floating point limitations: 
No Zend Extensions:         
MySQL Configuration Error:  

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