ID:               46433
 Updated by:
 Reported By:      ak at pre-secure dot de
 Status:           Bogus
 Bug Type:         GD related
 Operating System: Linux (OpenSUSE)
 PHP Version:      5.2.9
 Assigned To:      pajoye
 New Comment:

I already said that it was working here.

pie...@ubuntu:~/cvs/php53/bld$ ./sapi/cli/php -r

Warning: imagecreatefrompng(): gd-png:  fatal libpng error: IDAT: CRC
error in Command line code on line 1

Warning: imagecreatefrompng(): gd-png error: setjmp returns error
condition in Command line code on line 1

Warning: imagecreatefrompng(): '' is
not a valid PNG file in Command line code on line 1

There is no error either through valgrind.

And yes, the memory usage of PHP MM increases as you keep creating
errors, but the memory is freed when it exits >> no leak.

If you read the valgrind output you pasted here, you will see that it
did not find any error either...

Previous Comments:

[2009-06-16 15:42:14] ak at pre-secure dot de

Did you at least try to reproduce it? I tested it on various machines
with the given script and image. It will crash in no time cause it
allocates to much memory.


[2009-06-16 15:14:08]

==18171== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts

No error. Still bogus.


[2009-06-16 13:35:21] ak at pre-secure dot de

==18171== Memcheck, a memory error detector.
==18171== Copyright (C) 2002-2007, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et
==18171== Using LibVEX rev 1854, a library for dynamic binary
==18171== Copyright (C) 2004-2007, and GNU GPL'd, by OpenWorks LLP.
==18171== Using valgrind-3.3.1, a dynamic binary instrumentation
==18171== Copyright (C) 2000-2007, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et
==18171== For more details, rerun with: -v

Memory: 104664PHP Warning:  imagecreatefrompng(): gd-png:  fatal libpng
error: IDAT: CRC error in /srv/www/htdocs/ak/memtest.php on line 5
PHP Warning:  imagecreatefrompng(): gd-png error: setjmp returns error
condition in /srv/www/htdocs/ak/memtest.php on line 5
PHP Warning:  imagecreatefrompng(): 'anyimage.png' is not a valid PNG
file in /srv/www/htdocs/ak/memtest.php on line 5
==18171== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 96 from
==18171== malloc/free: in use at exit: 7,917 bytes in 15 blocks.
==18171== malloc/free: 13,027 allocs, 13,012 frees, 4,751,157 bytes
==18171== For counts of detected errors, rerun with: -v
==18171== searching for pointers to 15 not-freed blocks.
==18171== checked 525,192 bytes.
==18171== LEAK SUMMARY:
==18171==    definitely lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks.
==18171==      possibly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks.
==18171==    still reachable: 7,917 bytes in 15 blocks.
==18171==         suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks.
==18171== Rerun with --leak-check=full to see details of leaked memory.


[2009-06-11 13:17:46]

Run a single pass through valgrind please.


[2009-06-11 13:11:42] ak at pre-secure dot de

I was able to reproduce the Problem with the current release. It occurs
if you try to open an image with an crc error.

Reproduce code:
while(true) {
    print "\nMemory: ".memory_get_usage();



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