ID:               48525
 Updated by:
 Reported By:      i-devolder at jm-bruneau dot be
-Status:           Open
+Status:           Assigned
 Bug Type:         PDO related
 Operating System: Linux 2.6.26 ( Debian )
 PHP Version:      5.3.0RC2
-Assigned To:      
+Assigned To:      andrey
 New Comment:

This change has been disabled in RC4 as it introduced a BC break.

However I have to say that it makes no sense to introduce it in the 1st
place only to give the user the feeling that he is doing it right.

As Andrey said, libmysql memory usage was not part of the results of
memory_get_usage, just like any other external libraries memory usages.
There is no bug per se. I would suggest to bogus this report :)

Previous Comments:

[2009-06-16 13:13:08]

I committed a change to the 5.3 branch with the following comment:
  Memory usage optimisation. mysqlnd is not libmysql. mysqlnd does use
the Zend allocator, which means that is easier to hit memory_limit if
you have big stored (buffered) result sets. Before with libmysql you
won't hit memory_limit because libmysql uses libc's allocator and
nothing is checked. Now, with mysqlnd the situation is stricter and it
is easier to hit memory_limit. We try to optimize for big result sets.
If a result set is larger than 10 rows we will start freeing some data
to keep memory usage after 10 rows constant. This will help in the cases
where a buffered result set is scrolled forward only and just only once,
or mysqlnd will need to decode data from the network buffers again -
yes, it is a trade-off between CPU time and memory size. The best for
big result sets is of course using unbuffered queries - for comparison :
3 Million rows with buffered take at least 180MB, with buffered you will
stay at 3MB, and unbuffered will be just 7-8% slower.
According to Johannes it doesn't help PDO that much as it does help
ext/mysql and ext/mysqli because of the architecture of PDO that forces
mysqlnd to do a lot of extra work because of one call. And because 5.3.0
is just antes portas no change will be done to PDO before releasing
5.3.0. There is a ToDo item for PDO/PHP5.3.1


[2009-06-15 11:06:40]

If you build without mysqlnd then you use libmysql and
memory_get_usage() doesn't count the memory allocated by libmysql. So
memory_get_usage() can give you a hint how much memory is used by the
script but is not the ultimative source of informaion.
I check last week mysqlnd with debug enabled and in some cases where
mysqlnd wants 52 bytes to be allocated Zend allocates 102, which means
the memory usage is doubled. Can't say exactly for optimized builds,
could be different.


[2009-06-11 10:10:51] i-devolder at jm-bruneau dot be

the problem also occurs with mysqli

My Colleague rebuilt the latest trunk without mysqlnd

there we have a consistent memory usage

so the problem is in the mysqlnd


[2009-06-11 07:04:49] i-devolder at jm-bruneau dot be

When running a query the memoryusage keeps on rising, discovered with
huge resultsets

Reproduce code:
$test = new PDO( $dsn , $usr , $pss );
$sql = "SELECT * FROM tech_eciffOkcab.crawlPriceComp";
$stmt = $test->prepare( $sql );
while( $row = $stmt->fetch( PDO::FETCH_ASSOC ) ) {
        echo memory_get_usage()."\n";

Expected result:

output from php 5.2.9, memory usage stays the same

Actual result:
PHP Fatal error:  Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted
(tried to allocate 20 bytes) in
/home/idev/web/private/cmdscripts/testmem.php on line 16 

output from php 5.3RC2, memory usage keeps increasing ( this is on a
table with 1.2 million records


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