ID:               48729
 Comment by:       kripper3 at hotmail dot com
 Reported By:      kripper at imatronix dot cl
 Status:           Feedback
 Bug Type:         Streams related
 Operating System: Windows XP SP3
 PHP Version:      5.2.10
 Assigned To:      pajoye
 New Comment:

Tested on PHP 5.3 (5.3.1-dev) (CVS), released 2009-Jul-03 17:00:00.
proc_open() is still not able to read from stdin on windows, when
running PHP from a DOS shell.

Previous Comments:

[2009-06-30 07:52:33]

Please try using this CVS snapshot:
For Windows:


[2009-06-30 05:16:57] kripper3 at hotmail dot com

HINT for reproducing:

1) Download plink.exe
( to C:\ for
testing a command which expects stdin.

2) Copy this script to C:\test.php

$espec_descriptor = array(
   0 => fopen('php://stdin', 'r'),
   1 => fopen('php://stdout', 'w'),
   2 => array("file", "C:\\error-output.txt", "a")

$cmd = "C:\\plink.exe";

$process = proc_open($cmd, $espec_descriptor, $pipes);

if (is_resource($process)) {
        echo "The command was supposed to prompt the password (it works on
} else {
        echo "Trivial Error. Please check your setup for reproducing the

3) Execute in DOS Shell:

C:\PHP\php-cgi.exe C:\test.php

4) A prompt reading from stdin is expected (but fails con 5.2.x).
It works with:

5) Check the C:\error-output.txt if you get other results.

6) (Cleaning) Delete C:\Test.php and C:\error-output.txt.



[2009-06-30 03:35:07] kripper at imatronix dot cl

proc_open() doesn't read from stdin, when running PHP from console.
Reproduce code works on PHP 5.1.2.
popen works, but seems not to be suited for running interactive shell
commands from PHP.
Console scripts trying to run interactive commands will fail.

Reproduce code:
        $espec_descriptor = array(
           0 => fopen('php://stdin', 'r'),
           1 => fopen('php://stdout', 'w'),
           2 => array("file", "C:\\error-output.txt", "a")

        $cmd = "<any command reading from stdin, for example: plink.exe>";

        $process = proc_open($cmd, $espec_descriptor, $pipes);
        if (is_resource($process)) {
                return proc_close($process);
        } else {
                return -1;

Expected result:
proc_open() should run the command and allow it to read from stdin.

Actual result:
Commands fail to read from stdin and close inmediatly.


Edit this bug report at

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