ID:               48793
 User updated by:  memoimyself at yahoo dot com dot br
 Reported By:      memoimyself at yahoo dot com dot br
 Status:           Open
 Bug Type:         Unknown/Other Function
 Operating System: WinXP SP3
 PHP Version:      5.3.0
 New Comment:

Q: Is your apache server on 8080 port?

A: Nope, 80. My httpd.conf is pretty straightforward and uses default
values. Please note that Apache serves pure HTML (as well as other
files) normally. Things only get weird when PHP is involved AND
error_log is set in php.ini.

Previous Comments:

[2009-07-04 20:02:22] ninzya at inbox dot lv

Is your apache server on 8080 port?


[2009-07-03 18:43:47] memoimyself at yahoo dot com dot br

Set-up: WinXP SP3, PHP 5.3.0, Apache 2.2.11

This is a truly bizarre problem, but I've done a lot of testing and do
believe it's a bug.

A few days ago I updated my test server to PHP 5.3.0. After doing that,
even though Apache had not been touched in any way, all URLs containing
'localhost' pointing to PHP files (e.g. 'http://localhost/whatever.php')
started being redirected to '' (e.g.

At first it didn't even occur to me that the problem could have
anything to do with PHP. I checked
'c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts' and it still contained a line
for ' localhost'. I checked my network adapter configuration
and IPv6 had not been added as a protocol. My Apache configuration files
were untouched.

I spent two days searching high and low for a possible cause, and along
the way realized that the problem only occurred when PHP was involved:
HTML files were being served without any redirection issues.

When I replaced php.ini with an old version from a backup and
everything went back to normal, so I fired up a diff application and,
bit by bit, started replacing the contents of the newer php.ini with
lines from the old one.

I finally isolated the problem: the error_log line, which specified the
absolute path to a log file (the same path that had been working fine
with previous PHP versions). When the line is commented out, the
redirection problem goes away.

I double-checked the existence of the log file and made sure it was
writable. I then tried moving it to a different directory (updating
php.ini accordingly), but that didn't work either. I also tried changing
the path from "C:\Apache\logs\php_error.log" to
"file:///C:/Apache/logs/php_error.log" and that did make the redirection
problem go away, but no errors are actually logged, even though
'log_errors' is properly set to 'On'. If I set error_log back to
"C:\Apache\logs\php_error.log", the redirection issues comes back.

Reproduce code:
Line in php.ini:

error_log = "C:\Apache\logs\php_error.log"

Expected result:
Errors should be logged as usual.

Actual result:
Errors are not logged. Whether or not code contains any errors, browser
(both IE and Firefox) gets redirected from
http://localhost/path/to/script to


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