ID:               48994
 Comment by:       apinstein at mac dot com
 Reported By:      jflatnes at vt dot edu
 Status:           Assigned
 Bug Type:         Zlib Related
 Operating System: Linux 2.6.29
 PHP Version:      5.2.10
 Assigned To:      jani
 New Comment:

I ran into this issue today as well... but I have more to add.

Using PHP 5.3 + zlib 1.2.3

I *cannot* get compression + headers. I can get no compression, or 
w/o headers, but never "working" compression+headers.

I have tried:


 php_flag zlib.output_compression On
 php_admin_flag zlib.output_compression On
 -> zip + no headers

 php_flag zlib.output_compression true
 php_admin_flag zlib.output_compression true
 -> not zipped

In app.php:

 ini_set('zlib.output_compression', true);
 ini_set('zlib.output_compression', "On");
 -> not zipped

Previous Comments:

[2009-07-21 22:50:56]

There is something weird going on here, verified it now. Need to 
investigate more tomorrow. To reproduce on command line:

# HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING=gzip gdb --arg php-cgi test.php


[2009-07-21 19:03:10] jflatnes at vt dot edu

<?php var_dump(ini_set('zlib.output_compression', 'On')); ?>

Results in:

string(0) "" (meaning I had no previous setting for
zlib.output_compression, I believe)


I am coming to understand that the string 'On' doesn't behave the same
way in ini_set as in an ini file, as mentioned.  The issue I see here is
that there are two options for zlib compression:

zlib.output_compression = false: no compression with no headers.

zlib.output_compression = true: compression with appropriate headers.

Passing a string to ini_set (other than the string '1') causes a third,
undocumented behavior:

zlib.output_compression = 'On': compression without the headers.

Those three states describe the behavior I'm seeing, and the third
state seems like a bug.  If 'On' is an invalid setting, shouldn't the
compression simply not be activated?  Am I thinking about this


[2009-07-21 18:46:33]

Try this too:


var_dump(ini_set('zlib.output_compression', 'On'));


Also note that using "On" or "Off" or such with ini_set() does NOT work

like they do when used in php.ini.


[2009-07-21 02:48:18] jflatnes at vt dot edu

When the configuration option 'zlib.output_compression' is set to a
boolean value, output is compressed and the appropriate HTTP headers are
sent.  When the option is set to a string like 'true' or 'On', the
output is compressed, but no headers are sent, causing browsers to fail
to interpret the output as compressed.

Reproduce code:

ini_set('zlib.output_compression', 'On');

echo 'hello, world';


Expected result:
The output "hello, world" to be gzip/deflate compressed as appropriate
for Accept-Encoding, and the Content-Encoding and Vary HTTP headers to
be set.

Actual result:
Instead, the output is indeed gzip-compressed, but the Content-Encoding
and Vary headers are not set.

The actual text that the browser prints is:


Note, this works correctly with the an ini_set argument of the boolean
value true.  The documentation claims that ini_set should take string
arguments, though.  Even if a boolean/integer is required to activate
output compression, the behavior should either be "all on" or "all off".


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