ID:               49049
 User updated by:  rusxakep at gmail dot com
 Reported By:      rusxakep at gmail dot com
-Status:           Feedback
+Status:           Open
 Bug Type:         Filesystem function related
 Operating System: Linux 2.6.29
 PHP Version:      5.2.10
 New Comment:

bash script ok? Real cut'n'paste :-)

Copy this script in any place and run under root:

# Create test user
useradd -d /home/user1 -g users -m -N -p 12345 -s /bin/sh user1
chmod 0755 /home/user1

# Create wrapper with "execution bit" enabled
echo "#define REAL_PATH \"/home/user1/test.php\"
main(ac, av)
    char **av;
    execv(REAL_PATH, av);
}" > /home/user1/test.c

# Compile and set "execution bit"
cc -o /home/user1/test /home/user1/test.c
chown user1.users /home/user1/test
chmod 6755 /home/user1/test

# Create php script, who'll work under wrapper (see before)
echo "#!/usr/bin/php -q
if (!file_exists(\"/home/user1/1/2/3/4/5\")) {
    if (mkdir (\"/home/user1/1/2/3/4/5\",0700,true)) echo \"MKDIR OK,
directory has been created\n\"; else echo \"MKDIR FAIL\n\";
} else {
    echo \"TEST PASSED!\n\";
" > /home/user1/test.php

chown user1.users /home/user1/test.php
chmod 755 /home/user1/test.php

# Create second test user
useradd -d /home/user2 -g users -m -N -p 12345 -s /bin/sh user2

# Test!
echo "First run, when directory doesn't exist ...";
su - user2 -c "/home/user1/test"

echo "Second (bug) run, when directory already exist and must be return
TEST PASSED! message";
su - user2 -c "/home/user1/test"

# Cleaning
userdel -f -r user2
userdel -f -r user1

Previous Comments:

[2009-07-29 23:26:27]

PLEASE give proper steps to reproduce this. Preferrably something we
simply cut'n'paste..


[2009-07-29 16:34:25] rusxakep at gmail dot com

You can use any other directory where you are able to do it. You can
use the virtual machine (like VirtalBox or VMware) and so forth.

Installation "execution bit" on/usr/bin/strace is necessary for
situation creation where the error in function file_exist() appears. It
is necessary for more exact understanding of an error.

In a real situation which is described in my first post, the role
strace is fulfilled by the program written on C with "execution bit

If still something is not clear, write, I will explain.)


[2009-07-28 20:49:00]

My /home dir isn't writable by anyone. So how could it work? And what 
does setting those permissions on strace help to debug this?


[2009-07-28 20:12:08] rusxakep at gmail dot com


Is bug reproducing ONLY with using "set execution bit"!

Simple way test with strace output:

1. Temprorarly set "chmod 6755" to /usr/bin/strace binary for correct
2. Create simple CONSOLE test.php file and place to /home/1/ directory
(owner should be root.root):

#!/usr/bin/php -q
if (!file_exists("/home/1/2/3")) mkdir("/home/1/2/3",0700,true);

3. Run this script under any unprivileged user with next cmd: "su -
someuser -c "/usr/bin/strace /home/1/test.php"

First run test.php create directory /home/1/2 and /home/1/2/3
successfully with "someuser" owner and 0700.

Second run test.php script must be finish w/o any messages, because
directory already exists, but function file_exists() incorrectly fulfils
and produces that the directory does not exist, though it is. 

Try it!

If something else is not clear, I will explain more in detail.)


[2009-07-28 19:52:47]

Your report is quite confusing. You talk about creating /home/user/2/3

directories (note the missing 1?) but your straces show quite different

outputs. Please, come up with _simple_ way to reproduce this. Simple 
meaning ONE php (and PHP ONLY!) file.


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