ID:               45002
 Comment by:       some at email dot com
 Reported By:      jb2386 at hotmail dot com
 Status:           Open
 Bug Type:         Feature/Change Request
 Operating System: Any
 PHP Version:      5.2.6
 New Comment:

When to expect resolving this bug

Previous Comments:

[2009-05-13 15:38:49] rcavallari at hotmail dot com

Any news about __{get,set}Static in the mainline?


[2009-01-08 08:51:30] jeremie dot bordier at gmail dot com

Could this patch be reviewed and committed ? It's been a long time now
for a such little feature...


[2008-11-25 03:50:55] cleeder at gmail dot com

How long until we can expect to see this patch in the production
version of PHP?


[2008-09-13 14:42:23]

There is a patch available at


[2008-05-15 08:42:05] jb2386 at hotmail dot com

As per bug report:

"Static class attributes cannot be accessed using __get and 
__set methods."

Also, for reference to "__callStatic" see:

With the implementation of __callStatic in PHP 5.3, will there be an
implementation of similar functions __getStatic() and __setStatic()?

For example, so replacing __get and __set with __getStatic() and
__setStatic() respectively will produce the "Expected Output" below?

Reproduce code:
class myClass {

        public function __set($name,$value) {
                echo "Setting: " . $name . " to " . $value."\n";
                self::$$name = $value;

        public function __get($name) {
                echo "Getting: " . $name . "\n";

myClass::$myStaticVar = "test";
echo myClass::$myStaticVar;

Expected result:
Setting: myStaticVar to test
Getting: myStaticVar

Actual result:
Fatal error: Access to undeclared static property:  


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