ID:               49280
 Updated by:
-Summary:          Not possible to detect mysqlnd in php
 Reported By:      ar at ez dot no
 Status:           Open
-Bug Type:         MySQLi related
+Bug Type:         Feature/Change Request
 Operating System: *
 PHP Version:      5.3.0
 New Comment:

"p:" is allowed always since PHP 5.3.0. You only get a warning when
someone has disabled persistent connections with mysqli.allow_persistent
ini option. You don't need to know whether it's mysqlnd or libmysql that
is used. And you really should be checking if mysql*.allow_persistent is
on or off anyway. :)

Previous Comments:

[2009-08-17 14:53:12] ar at ez dot no

Hi jani!

I'm not trying to workaround anything, its just that Persistent
Connections are only supported on mysqli when mysqlnd is used.

So it doesn't help to detect php version using PHP_VERSION, as the end
user might have mysqlnd disabled / not compiled in.

It is possible to detect it by by using function_exists. But since you
guys might add those extra mysqlnd functions to the other mysql driver
as well, that is not reliable not to mention clean.

For what I'm trying to do:
eZ Publish like other php projects abstracts things, one of those is
Persistent connection, witch is abstracted into a ini setting
(changeable in admin gui). So I need to prepend "p:" IF user has
mysqlnd, or trow a warning about unsupported setting.


[2009-08-17 14:30:15]

So you want to circumvent a bug by adding a constant instead of fixing
the actual bug? Can you please explain WHAT does not work like it should
when you have enabled mysqlnd..?


[2009-08-17 14:21:35] ar at ez dot no

Seems to be possible with something like this as well:

strpos( mysqli_get_client_info(), 'mysqlnd ' ) !== false

But constant would still be a bit cleaner.


[2009-08-17 14:10:00] ar at ez dot no

There doesn't seem to be possible to cleanly* detect that mysqlnd is
currently in use.

* Constant would be nice, preferably already in
Detecting by presence off 'mysqli_fetch_all' or other functions is not
exactly clean.

Use case: Disabling / enabling Persistent Connections based on
application specific settings.


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