ID:               49404
 User updated by:  doctor_nett at yahoo dot com
 Reported By:      doctor_nett at yahoo dot com
-Status:           Feedback
+Status:           Open
 Bug Type:         LDAP related
 Operating System: linux
 PHP Version:      5.3.0
 New Comment:


I have got the solution, infact the LADP uid search was not getting
stuck, but it was the displayName, which i used to search for user name,
so the code part that was getting stuck was

#$chrName = "Mazhar Hassan"; #works fine, coz exsist in active
$chrUid = "M Mazhar"; #crashes the system, not exsist in the active
$sr=ldap_search($ds, $LDAP_DN, "(displayName=$chrName)");

i have tried few other tools to search it on my linux environment, and
similar kind of stuck thing was happing with those tools as well,
then i realized that there no displayName field in active directory of
my production environment, instead there is sxdisplayName, but on my XP
system environment its displayName,
sorry for mis understanding. as soon as i changed that to sxdisplayName
it now works fine, if record not matches it gracefully return the

now here is a question, why displayName was working for the the user
name that exsist in active directory and getting stuck for those who do
not exsist in active dirctory.

i hope so i made my point clear.
in short its not php fault, coz other tools also get stuck.

Previous Comments:

[2009-08-29 18:58:55] doctor_nett at yahoo dot com

thanks for quick reply i will try to get backtrace of it, thanks


[2009-08-28 22:18:07]

Thank you for this bug report. To properly diagnose the problem, we
need a backtrace to see what is happening behind the scenes. To
find out how to generate a backtrace, please read for *NIX and for Win32

Once you have generated a backtrace, please submit it to this bug
report and change the status back to "Open". Thank you for helping
us make PHP better.


[2009-08-28 22:09:04] doctor_nett at yahoo dot com

i am using php, with ldap to search records form active director on
it work fines if i type uid that exsist in active directory, but if i
type some uid that does not exsist in the active directory php script
note: sorry if i am posting this in wrong place,
but the same code works fine on my windows xp(webserver) system with

Reproduce code:
$chrUid = "mazhar.hassan"; #works fine
$chrUid = "maz.hass"; #crashes the system
$sr=ldap_search($ds, $LDAP_DN, "(uid=$chrUid)");

Expected result:
it should return nothing, as its doing on my XP system environment, so
that i can display a message record not found

Actual result:
system crashes and have to restart.


Edit this bug report at

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