ID:               49348
 Updated by:
 Reported By:      BelStudent at yandex dot ru
 Status:           Assigned
 Bug Type:         Scripting Engine problem
 Operating System: *
 PHP Version:      5.*, 6
 Assigned To:      stas
 New Comment:

I was talking about this:

With ++$foo, type is BP_VAR_RW, which makes sense and gives a notice.
With ++$this->foo, it is BP_VAR_W.

Previous Comments:

[2009-08-31 22:12:10]

# svn log -r100312 zend_object_handlers.c
r100312 | stas | 2002-10-20 22:22:04 +0300 (Sun, 20 Oct 2002) | 2

looks like this message should go


Stas, care to explain? Uncommenting that will bring back the notice.

And Sjoerd, what did you mean with that comment..?


[2009-08-27 21:06:36]

In _get_zval_cv_lookup(), type is BP_VAR_W, while it should be
BP_VAR_RW for the example code.


[2009-08-25 08:18:09]

Reopened, Gwynne's arguments are rock solid. :)


[2009-08-25 07:13:46]

Actually, this is a valid problem; the problem described by bug #21008
is a different issue. There seems to be some confusion as to whether it
should be fixed or not, but it's neither a duplicate nor bogus.

Specifically, bug #21008 describes an issue with setting a variable to
a value, where this report describes an issue with updating a variable.
These are two distinct operations, and are handled differently.

More to the point, the following code throws a notice:

That the code described by this bug doesn't is an inconsistency.


[2009-08-24 16:21:58] BelStudent at yandex dot ru

Usually, if you try to do this: ++$num, then thrown notice, that the
"Undefined variable: num". This helps avoid errors. 
But if you have class and you're trying to do so ++$this->num num
nowhere and had not previously identified, then the issue no warnings
and notices. 

Accidentally deleted in the symbol and received ++$this->nu, and then
climbed into hell knows what mistakes to find this place and correct to
++$this->num took several hours. So I am very concerned about the issue:
how to do so were given notice, if you try to do something with
uninitialized (unknown) variable in the class?

Reproduce code:
class A
{ public function __construct()
    {   ++$this->num;
new A();

Expected result:
Undefined property:  A::$num

Actual result:


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