ID:               49216
 Updated by:
 Reported By:      virgilp at gmail dot com
-Status:           Open
+Status:           Feedback
 Bug Type:         Reflection related
 Operating System: Windows XP SP3
 PHP Version:      5.2.10
 New Comment:

host_info and such is only there when you actually have connected 
somewhere. How about you refine your report and try with an actual 
object first?

Previous Comments:

[2009-08-12 07:04:06] virgilp at gmail dot com

I tried - I get the same behaviour


[2009-08-11 07:18:28] virgilp at gmail dot com

There are several things that go wrong with reflection on MySqli. 
1. First and foremost - extracting mysqli::bind_param signature yields

strange results:  public function bind_param($);
And the parameter in question (printed as "$") is in fact:
   'name' => NULL,
))  /// Null name!!
I believe this is actually related to bug #45578 - but that one has 
been closed as being related to something completely different.

2. another odd thing is that reflection returns "final protected class

mysqli_warning " (and a class can't be "protected").

3. Several properties seem to be completely missing from reflection - 
e.g. the "host_info" property of mysqli.

4. Parameters are not shown in member methods - e.g. mysqli::prepare 
is shown to have 0 parameters (when in fact, it receives a string 

Reproduce code:
$ext = new ReflectionExtension('mysqli');
$class_arr = $ext->getClassNames();
foreach($class_arr as $cls_name){
 // I could give the implementation of DumpClass if needed, but it's
straight out of the "reflection" examples, it prints the modifiers,
class name, "extends", "implements" & properties/methods

Expected result:
MySqli class seen through reflection the same way as it is documented

Actual result:
Wrong output from reflection (as listed in "description")


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