ID:               49716
 Updated by:
 Reported By:      jbreiding at Hotmail dot com
-Status:           Open
+Status:           Bogus
 Bug Type:         IIS related
 Operating System: windows server 2008 x64
 PHP Version:      5.3.0
 Assigned To:      pajoye
 New Comment:

OK, anyway this bug is fixed and there was already another bug report
about it. I close it as duplicated (bogus).

Previous Comments:

[2009-10-06 20:26:04] jbreiding at Hotmail dot com

unfortunately this is a production system now and i cannot test this at
the moment. i was hoping others had stumbled across this problem. my
future plans are just to move this entire system to a redhat box.


[2009-09-29 21:09:32]

Please try using this snapshot:
For Windows:


[2009-09-29 20:54:10] jbreiding at Hotmail dot com

i am no longer running this configuration as i found that moving back
to 5.2.11 solved this problem.

php 5.3.2 (x86 fastcgi)

windows server 2k8 (x64)

 I have spent a good few days googling around and trying things so let
me give you the current state.

cmd.exe copied to php folder, all instances of cmd.exe, including
syswow64, given read execute permissions to domain users, local users,
iis_iusrs, network service in addition to the defaults

from my users command prompt i can execute php
c:\inetpub\wwwroot\forktest.php, as well the same with php-cgi -f

 system() is giving  a return_val of -1

in procmon.exe i can actually see the create call succeed. the
application being executed has also been given the same permissions as
cmd.exe, however it is not in the php folder but the full path has been

 my application pool, default setup, runs under network service.

here is a snippet that is failing from forktest.php

$result = 0;
$resultstr = system('echo %PATH%', $result);
echo "return value is $result \n"; 
echo "output string is $resultstr \n";


Warning: system() [function.system]: Unable to fork [echo %PATH%] in
C:\inetpub\wwwroot\forktest.php on line 25
return value is -1 output string is 

 i went ahead and deleted the cmd.exe in my php folder and in procmon i
am seeing exactly what should be happening,

 it seems my problem is actually executing cmd.exe, not the application
i am attempting to execute.

Reproduce code:
$result = 0;
$resultstr = system('echo %PATH%', $result);
echo "return value is $result \n"; 
echo "output string is $resultstr \n";


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