ID:              49963
 User updated by: mikhail dot v dot gavrilov at gmail dot com
 Reported By:     mikhail dot v dot gavrilov at gmail dot com
 Status:          Open
 Bug Type:        Feature/Change Request
 PHP Version:     5.3.0
 New Comment:

Here new function is getParameters().
This function return array with needed for bind parameters.

Previous Comments:

[2009-10-23 02:01:45] mikhail dot v dot gavrilov at gmail dot com

Feature request.
Need a function to obtain a list of PDO query parameters. To be able to
universal queries without the need to create an individual code for each
request with bindValue functions.


$sth = $GLOBALS['db']['conn']->prepare($query);
$bindpars = $sth->getParameters();
foreach ($bindpars as $idx => $value)
    if(isset($_POST[substr($idx, 1)])) $sth->bindValue($idx,
$_POST[substr($idx, 1)]); else $sth->bindValue($idx, '');


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