ID:               49965
 Updated by:
 Reported By:      ed at bellcpa dot com
-Status:           Open
+Status:           Feedback
 Bug Type:         MySQLi related
 Operating System: Windows Server 2008
 PHP Version:      5.3.0
 New Comment:

Hi Ed,

as you may know from the Wireshark protocol you provided
(mysql-noserver.pcap - MySQL is offline) there is a TCP SYN->RST,ACK 
ping-pong between the client machine and the server. 

PHP tries to establish a connection and sends SYN. The server's
response is RST (, ACK) indicating that no process on the server is
wating for requests on the requested port (MySQL is offline).

At this point PHP should get ECONNREFUSED from connect() and bubble up
the error. But it seems as if this is not the case. According to the
Wireshark protocol the first SYN->RST,ACK is followed by another
connection attempt after about 0.5s which fails. PHP continues to make
another connection attempt after 1s which fails again.

The ping-pong should start because PHP recognizes after 0.5s
respectively 1s that there is time left for more connection attempts
(you set the connect timeout to 5s). 

I don't know why the protocol shows no more records after 1s.

However, can you try using fsockopen() to connect to the MySQL host if
MySQL is offline? 

Something like this:

sapi/cli/php -r '$start = microtime(true); $errno = 0; $error = ""; $fp
= fsockopen("tcp://", 3306, $errno, $error, 5);
var_dump($fp); var_dump($errno); var_dump($error);
var_dump(microtime(true) - $start); '

Again, I'd be interested in the Wireshark protocol (unless it is
blocking endless). 


Previous Comments:

[2009-10-27 21:19:50] ed at bellcpa dot com

Hi Ulf,

I tried a 5.3.2-dev VC9 x86 thread-safe snapshot (not sure how to
obtain 5.3.1) with same results. Also tried a 5 second
default_socket_timeout with no effect.

Will send the captures to you by email.



[2009-10-27 10:06:56]

Regarding wireshark protocol: yes, please do mail them to me or offer
them for download anywhere (make sure they don't show any confidential
data, e.g. server IP, username, password!) 



[2009-10-27 10:04:54]

60s - we are back to some config problem. Can you try change the
default_socket_timeout? Can you try a 5.3.1 snapshot?



[2009-10-26 21:10:09] ed at bellcpa dot com

After further testing:

The php_errors.log messages previously mentioned are logged exactly 60
sec after a connection attempt is made so some timeout is likely in
effect. Also, the script remains running in a "hung" state after the
errors are logged.

Post connection timeout is not a concern here, instead the issue is
with the length of the timeout when MySQL server is purposely not

I have Wireshark captures for when the MySQL server is offline and
connection times out as well as when MySQL is online and connection
succeeds right away. Can I email these to you?

I am using mysqli on 5.3.0 with default settings, shouldn't mysqlnd be
used by default?

I will try a snapshot soon once I find the time to test.



[2009-10-23 19:24:29]

PS: don't rely on connect timeout of libmysql - it does not work in
every case. Check


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